mass distribution multiplies promotions, a pure communication operation?

large retailers agree on an energy sobriety plan

In France, large retailers are increasing promotions in the face of inflation. Latest: Carrefour supermarkets which promise to block the prices of 100 products for 100 days. Promotions which would in fact be pure communication operations, according to some specialists.

Visit a supermarket in the Paris suburbs with Olivier Dauvers, a retail specialist. “Here we are at Leclerc, which launched an anti-inflation shield a few months ago on 230 products. If prices go up, Leclerc will reimburse its consumers for the difference between the price they paid and the one they paid 2 or 3 months ago, the prices before inflation. »

Reassure the consumer

“All of this is communication, the aim is for the consumer to feel reassured by all that the brand can do, even if it only concerns a very small part, it’s 230 everyday products , and in the Leclerc store where we are, there are more than 30,000 consumer products. So 230 out of 30,000, when we make a percentage, we are less than 1%. »

► To read also: Faced with inflation, the French expect more measures from the government

“The goal is that when we use the term anti-inflation shield in terms of semantics, we have something that is very strong, because we have the position that the sign protects the consumer against inflation, it’s a kind of guarantee that sounds really sweet in the mind of the consumer, because what does he want to hear today? That there is no inflation! Well the signs tell him so. »
