Masks on the plane, on flights from Italy the obligation remains

Masks on the plane on flights from Italy the obligation

(Finance) – From 16 May, starting with air flights from Italy it will be necessary to continue to wear the mask. The new Ecdc-Aesa (European Aviation Safety Agency) guidelines provide that “if the states of departure or destination require the use of masks in public transport, Airline operators should require passengers and crew to wear a face mask beyond next Monday.

In other cases, from Monday 16 May, aeronautical and airport operators they should continue to encourage “the use of the mask.”

In the other cases, or in the States where theuse of the mask on means of transport is not required, as of May 16, aeronautical and airport operators, the new guidelines read, “should continue to encourage passengers and crew members, as part of their communications before the flight and during the journey and through signage and announcements, to wear a mask during the flight as well as at the airport as a way to protect themselves and others and that they should respect the decision of others to wear or not to wear a mask. “

In their communication, it is emphasized, gloperators should emphasize that wearing an FFP2 respiratory mask is recommended to people at high risk of severe Covid 19 during the flight for their own protection. It is also recommended that people with respiratory symptoms (coughing or sneezing) wear a mask regardless of the requirements of that particular flight. Where the obligation to wear a mask is maintained, surgical masks, as noted in the Ecdc-Aesa guidelines, “should be considered the minimum standard to be used, unless more stringent requirements are still imposed by public health authorities”.

THE children aged five years or younger and people who cannot wear a face mask due to medical reasons, the document reads, “they should be exempt”.
