Mask, pass, school… Are you lost? Update on the calendar for the next few weeks

Mask pass school Are you lost Update on the calendar

And now ? With less than 150,000 cases recorded per day, down sharply for a fortnight, the decline in the fifth wave of Covid-19 in France gives health authorities the opportunity to loosen the screw. The first adjustments took place on February 2, when teleworking no longer became an obligation, and when the gauges in stadiums and large halls were lifted, as was the wearing of masks outdoors.

The rest has already been mentioned by the government: the schools will also experience some relaxation, at the end of the winter holidays. Wearing a mask indoors, which has become common for almost two years, will soon be ancient history in closed places subject to the vaccination pass. The pass itself is in the hot seat, assures the executive. Update on the calendar.

  • February 16: reopening of nightclubs

This is stage 2 of Jean Castex’s announcements, at the end of January: nightclubs are (finally) reopening their doors this Wednesday, after three months of closure. Standing concerts will be allowed again. Finally, consumption in stadiums, cinemas, as well as transport will be in force again. At the bar, it will be possible to enjoy your coffee (or any other drink…) standing at the counter.

  • From February 21 to March 7: reduction of sanitary measures at school

The good epidemic situation also benefits schools, despite a vaccination deficit in the age groups concerned. The Minister of National Education announced a lowering of the health protocol from level 3 to level 2, on the return from the February holidays, different according to the zones (B: February 21; A: February 28; C: March 7). This means in particular the end of wearing a mask outdoors in the playground in elementary schools (but not in class).

As for the tests, from February 28, contact case students will no longer have to do three but only one after two days. The sworn statements of tests that families submit to the school will be abolished from February 21.

  • February 28: end of the mask in closed places subject to the pass

Not sure that everyone adopts this behavior as of February 28. But on this date, dropping the mask in closed places subject to the vaccination pass, such as bars and restaurants, but also cinemas or museums, will no longer be punishable. This is the decision taken by the Minister of Health, Olivier Véran, last week. Transport (planes, trains, coaches) are not affected.

“The vaccination pass allows us in a context where the epidemic pressure is greatly reduced, and as we have already done before this wave, to remove the obligation to wear a mask in establishments open to the public”, indicated Olivier Véran. .

  • Late March or early April: goodbye to the vaccination pass?

The current decline does not yet sign its death. But that could be soon. The government recently warned that the vaccination pass could be revoked “at the end of March or the beginning of April”, shortly before the presidential election (April 10-24). A major relaxation which would bring France closer to Israel, England or Denmark, countries which have already brought down this rampart, initially imagined to protect the non-vaccinated from places of strong circulation of the virus.

This range was validated last Wednesday by the government’s “Mister vaccine”, Alain Fischer, specifying however that the incidence rate should be “10 or 20 times lower” than when he spoke, with also an end to the hospital overload.

For the time being, several million French people are likely to lose it, this Tuesday, on the occasion of the lowering of the maximum period for the recall to four months instead of seven previously.

  • Before the end of the school year? The end of the mask inside the classes evoked

Final stage, perhaps, of the alleviation of sanitary measures: the children could “before the end of the school year”, drop the mask in the classes, indicated Sunday the Minister of Education Jean-Michel Blanquer , considering it “eminently desirable” that they could withdraw it “as soon as possible”. Nothing very specific yet. The uncertainty weighs as much on the continuation of the epidemic, as on the personality who will occupy the post of minister at the end of the presidential election.
