Mask at school: 5 million FFP2 masks, for whom?

Mask at school 5 million FFP2 masks for whom

This January 13, Jean-Michel Blanquer announced the delivery of 5 million FFP2 masks to certain teachers from kindergarten, or AESH on request.

Delivery of 5 million FFP2 masks

[Mise à jour du 14 janvier à 9h26]. This January 13, teachers went on strike and demonstrated in France to demand a strengthening of measures at school against the 5th wave of coronavirus. Following a meeting with the unions, Jean-Michel Blanquer announced the distribution of 5 million FF2 masks to certain teachers or National Education staff, on request. “We’ve heard the expectation for FFP2 masks. We recalled that the High Council for Public Security did not specifically recommend their development, but we wished with the Prime Minister that it be possible all the same, in particular for certain personnel. I am thinking of teachers in kindergarten, who have children without masks in front of them, of teachers who intervene in front of students with disabilities, of those we call AESH (Accompanying students with disabilities), explained the Minister of National Education during a press conference. On the other hand, his ministry announced the distribution, starting next week, of surgical masks for school staff.

Where is wearing a mask compulsory from the age of 6?

Since January 3, children over 6 years old must wear the mask in public transport, establishments open to the public, sports complexes (except when practicing a sport), places of worship and outside, in areas where prefects and mayors have restored the wearing of mask. On January 13, the administrative court of Paris suspended the prefectural decree which made it compulsory to wear a mask outdoors in the capital since December 31. The day before, the Versailles administrative court had also suspended the prefectural decree making it compulsory to wear a mask outdoors in the Yvelines department.

Children and adolescents do not have to wear the mask if they practice activities such as singing or theater during extracurricular activities specified a old decree.

In primary schools, the health protocol has been level 3 since December 9, which means that students must wear the mask inside and outside just like the staff. In middle and high schools, the health protocol remains at level 2, but students in areas where wearing a mask is compulsory outside must wear it again in the playground. Finally, since January 3, physical and sports activities must mainly take place outdoors. When sports activities take place indoors, only low intensity activities compatible with wearing a mask and a distance of 2 meters are authorized specifies the health protocol at school.

Who should wear the mask at school?

According to the level 3 health protocol, Wearing a mask is compulsory for elementary school students indoors and outdoors. The health protocol remains level 2 in colleges and high schools where only the wearing of a mask indoors is required. let’s remember that Wearing a mask is prohibited in kindergarten, regardless of the level of health protocol at school.

Where should students wear the mask at school?

At level 3, the mask is compulsory indoors and outdoors, at recess or in PE classes for example. At level 2, wearing a mask remains compulsory, only in middle and high school, in closed spaces.

Wearing a mask according to the protocol levels at school

  • At level 1, wearing a mask is compulsory for middle and high school students in enclosed spaces and “the rules relating to the wearing of a mask outdoors in the general population are respected”. Thus, elementary school students no longer have to wear it. This level applies in departments where the incidence rate is less than 50 for 5 consecutive days.
  • At level 2, the mask is compulsory for high school and college students, but also for primary school students indoors.
  • At level 3 and 4, it is mandatory for all students in enclosed and outdoor spaces.
  • National education personnel must wear masks in enclosed spaces on levels 1 and 2 and also outside on levels 3 and 4.
  • Remember that kindergarten students, regardless of level, do not wear a mask.

Which mask to choose at school?

Only surgical masks or masks for the general public with a filtration capacity greater than 90% (category 1) may be worn. Therefore, category 2 fabric masks for the general public, cloth face masks homemade or homemade that does not meet AFNOR SPEC S76 001 standards as well as transparent plastic visors and masks worn alone are not considered sufficiently effective protective measures, warns the Ministry of Education. Recall that a decree concerning industrial fabric masks was published in the Official Journal on January 27 following health recommendations. In the Figaro, Jean-Michel Blanquer also specified that he was unfavorable to wearing the FFP2 mask at school. The Minister of Education considers that it is “very difficult to teach” with this type of mask and calls on teachers to “spirit responsibility”, respecting “barrier gestures”.

At what age is the mask compulsory at school?

Primary pupils, from the age of 6, must wear a mask at school, following the strengthening of the health protocol (level 3).

Is the mask compulsory from 6 years old or at CP?

Generally, students are 6 years old in CP class, the government has specified that the mask becomes compulsory from this age, instead of 11 years previously. However, a 6-year-old child who would be enrolled in a large kindergarten section is not required to wear a mask, since he would be the only one in his class to put it on. In the same way, a 5-year-old child in first grade must wear a mask, like his classmates.

Mask at 6 years old: should my child wear it outside of school?

Are the little ones also required to wear the mask outside of school? The answer has been yes since January 3 in public transport, establishments open to the public, sports complexes (except when practicing a sport), places of worship and outside, in areas where the prefects and mayors have reinstated the wearing of masks.

Are students with allergies exempted from wearing a mask?

The mask is compulsory at school from CP, but can a child with allergies obtain an exemption? The answer is no, indicates the Ministry of National Education on its site. According to health authorities, “there are no documented contraindications, dermatological, pneumological, ENT and phoniatric or psychiatric, to wearing a mask, whatever its type (mask for medical use, reusable fabric general public mask)”

In contrast, students with disabilities are covered by the general derogation from wearing a mask, fixed in article 2 of the decree of October 29, 2020, specifies the government. “In the certificate that he draws up, the doctor decides, in compliance with medical secrecy and without having to indicate the nature, on the existence of a situation of disability justifying that it be waived from the obligation to wear of the mask, in accordance with the provisions of the decree of October 29, 2020″.

Can a student without a mask be refused at school?

Children who arrive at school without a mask may be refused, with some exceptions. A student may not wear one “if he medically justifies that he is in a situation which allows an exemption”, especially if he has a disability. Apart from this exceptional situation, “in the event of a student not wearing a mask when he arrives at the school, he should however be offered one. It is only in the event of an explicit refusal to wear the proposed mask, that this refusal , either formulated by the student himself or by his legal representatives, that access to the establishment must be prohibited to the student”, and his legal representatives will have to be called to pick him up, specifies the National Education. While waiting for them, the child will be able to enter the establishment but be isolated from the other students.
