Mase, 221 energy production and transport procedures examined in 2023 for 10.5 GW

Mase 221 energy production and transport procedures examined in 2023

(Finance) – In 2023 the EIA-SEA commissions And PNRR-PNIEC of the Ministry of the Environment and Energy Security they worked on 221 authorization procedures, for a total value of works in the area of ​​over 13.5 billion euros and an energy production of approximately 10.5 gigawatts. As regards the EIA-SEA Commission, in 2023 the instances of VIA for installations wind farms 33 were screened, for a total installed power of more than 2 GW and a total value of approximately 3.5 billion. Furthermore, during 2023, the EIA Subcommission, in relation to the power lines of the national transmission network, established and provided a positive opinion to 51 procedures.

The preliminary investigation activity is aimed at encouraging increases in the availability of connections of new plants in projects powered by sources renewable. The objectives also include improving the safety and reliability of the power lines and the continuity of the service, increasing and strengthening the electricity transport lines in the renewable production areas, optimizing and rationalizing the existing power lines, especially aerial ones, in order to to reduce impacts, especially of a landscape nature, on the environment.

The projects which have received positive advice also lead to a significant reduction in impacts and lengths of projects tracks planes, often in areas of great value in terms of landscape and nature. A favorable opinion was also given, for a value of the works of approximately 76 million euros, to the extension of the compatibility environmental to allow the construction of various power lines.

Finally, a notable number of compliance checks, whose approval will allow the release and start-up of 10 power lines for a total cost of approximately 510 million. Overall, the investigative activities relating to power lines have provided opinions on projects with economic impact for approximately 450 million euros. Furthermore, the development plan of Ternaaccording to procedure VASworth approximately 21 billion euros.

As regards the activity of the PNRR-PNIEC Technical Commission during 2023, the 120 EIA opinions in the energy field. These are 73 agrivoltaic projects, 19 photovoltaic, 16 wind, 3 offshore wind, 3 pumping plants, 3 methane pipelines, 1 hydroelectric, 1 biorefinery and 1 power plant, for a total of 8.33 GW, of which 1 GW of energy storage and a total economic value of approximately €10 billion. Furthermore, 18 scoping investigations for offshore wind projects were completed.

74% of the investigations completed concern the Southern Regions, mainly the Puglia (26%), the Sicily (17%) and the Sardinia (14%).
