Mascherine, Brunetta signs circular with indications for the public administration

Mascherine Brunetta signs circular with indications for the public administration

(Finance) – Based on theorder issued yesterday by the Minister of Health, Roberto Speranza, which contains the recommendation to use the masks in indoor public places or places open to the public without however providing for any specific obligation, the Minister for Public Administration, Renato Brunettahe signed a circular addressed to all public administrations.

The circular, explains a note, “contains indications of a general nature for a correct and homogeneous application of the order of Minister Speranza in public workplaces. It will be the responsibility of each administration to promptly impart the necessary operational measures, taking into account the concrete conditions of the workplaces and the methods of carrying out the work performance of its employees “.

The use of masks FFP2 “it is recommended, in particular, for staff in contact with the public without suitable protective barriers, for those in line at the canteen or in other common areas, for those who share a room with” fragile “staff, in lifts and in cases in which spaces cannot exclude crowds “.
