Marvel’s answer to Suicide Squad could bring back 7 (!) MCU characters at once

Marvels answer to Suicide Squad could bring back 7

We experienced four major Avengers adventures in the first three phases of the Marvel Cinematic Universe. So far, however, there has been a fifth part no sign of life to hear. Instead, Marvel boss Kevin Feige relies on another Crosover project: Thunderbolts sounds like the MCU’s answer to DC’s Suicide Squad.

As Deadline reports, the film is in the planning phase and two important names are already certain: Eric Pearson, who last worked on Black Widow and Thor 3: Day of Decision, will write the screenplay. Jake Schreier is directing. Known for Robot and Frank and Margo’s tracks, he has also directed numerous music videos and series episodes.

Marvel’s Thunderbolts could bring back Florence Pugh, Daniel Brühl and more

While not much is known about the film’s plot yet, Deadline lists some exciting Marvel villains who could team up in Thunderbolt. None of the characters have been confirmed yet.

In addition, the question arises whether Thunderbolts the figure Thaddeus “Thunderbolt” Ross brings back, which gives the team its name. However, William Hurt, who played Ross in five MCU films, passed away earlier this year.

New Marvel Crossover: When will Thunderbolts hit theaters?

Since the project has not yet been officially announced, there is no theatrical release either. However, based on the Deadline report, Marvel appears to be… to proceed very quickly with Thunderbolts. Filming could begin as early as summer 2023.

Podcast: How good is the new MCU series Ms. Marvel?

With the new series Ms. Marvel, Disney + wants to revolutionize the MCU. Because the 16-year-old Kamala Khan is not only Marvel’s first Muslim heroine, but also a genuine fan girl with her own coming-of-age story.

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We watched the start of Ms. Marvel and tell you in the podcast how the new MCU series turned out. It is particularly exciting how the teen comedy embeds itself in the familiar Avengers cosmos.

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Which Marvel characters do you want to see in Thunderbolts?
