Marvel star Samuel L. Jackson defends Brie Larson against toxic fans

Marvel star Samuel L Jackson defends Brie Larson against toxic

Everyone can surpass themselves. That’s the most beautiful message of the MCU, but some fans just don’t want to admit it. Heroes should be male and strong, if you please, women are only allowed to cheer them on from the side of the road. Since her debut with Captain Marvel, Brie Larson has struggled with toxic fan anger. But she’ll never let herself down, explains Nick Fury star Samuel L. Jackson (Secret Invasion).

Marvel Star Samuel L. Jackson Knows Brie Larson’s Strength: “Won’t Destroy Her”

Jackson explained to Rolling Stone:

None of this will destroy her. All these incel guys who hate strong women or the fact that she’s a feminist who speaks her mind? Everyone likes to see other people in a certain way. But she is who she is and doesn’t pretend to be a bit.


Brie Larson as Captain Marvel

In 2019, Captain Marvel was the first MCU film to have a female lead. As reported by GQ, among others, the blockbuster became bombarded with bad reviews for misogyny reasons. Larson has received a lot of backlash for statements aimed at the relevance of inclusivity in the Marvel Universe.

Jackson and Larson starred together in Captain Marvel and are back in front of the camera for the sequel The Marvels. The Nick Fury actor has de facto get its own MCU series with Secret Invasion, currently streaming on Disney+.

Podcast: Is Secret Invasion the Marvel Series Nick Fury Deserved After 15 Years of MCU?

8 months after She-Hulk, the Marvel Cinematic Universe is back with the new Secret Invasion series. The result is amazingly serious and brutal. You can currently stream it on Disney+.

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With no superheroes or multiverses, Nick Fury is drawn into a global Skrull conspiracy and gets the lead role for the first time in 15 years. But is the MCU series starring Samuel L. Jackson and Game of Thrones star Emilia Clarke any good? We took a closer look at this in the series check of the first 2 episodes.

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