Marvel star announces return, but that’s no (!) spoiler

Marvel star announces return but thats no spoiler

Sometimes Marvel isn’t squeamish. After 11 years in the MCU, Maria Hill (Cobie Smulders) recently became SHIELD agent shot sneakily in Secret Invasion. Now Smulders has stated that she will be returning in the role.

Marvel star returns after role death – but differently than expected

Speaking to Entertainment Weekly, Smulders revealed that they are still following after filming Season 1 of Secret Invasion for the Disney series Marvel Moon Girl and Devil Dinosaur as Maria Hill. The animated series revolves around the Marvel characters of the same name and is aimed at young children.


Cobie Smulders in Secret Invasion

Ob Hill will also return in the world of MCU live-action series and blockbuster cinema, couldn’t answer them, Smulders said. But she always welcomes any Marvel call.

When will fans be able to see Cobie Smulders as Maria Hill again?

The new season of Moon Girl and Devil Dinosaur starts on July 12, 2023 on Disney+. Another appearance of Smulders in Secret Invasion, for example in the form of a flashback, is not yet known. The next episode of the MCU series will stream on July 5, 2023.

Podcast: The 20 Best Series Launches of July on Netflix, Amazon and More

Need more fresh streaming tips? You can find the most exciting July series that you can stream on Netflix, Prime Video, Disney+ and more here in the monthly preview:

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