Marvel boss had a rule for Deadpool & Wolverine – but it was already broken in the trailer

Marvel boss had a rule for Deadpool Wolverine –

Until now, Deadpool has been able to let off steam as he pleases in Fox’s old X-Men universe. Crude sayings and lots of violence: How is that supposed to work in the Marvel Cinematic Universe, which under the umbrella of Disney is based? So far, no film from the mega franchise has been released with an FSK 16 or FSK 18 rating.

Deadpool & Wolverine, however, received a free pass. Marvel boss Kevin Feige gave the two superheroes’ MCU debut an R rating in the USA, which allows for plenty of blood splashes and borderline gags. There was just one thing Feige definitely didn’t want in the film: no jokes about drug use.

How Deadpool & Wolverine director Shawn Levy circumvented Kevin Feige’s drug rule

In an interview with Total Film, director Shawn Levy explains:

I am very careful about what I [über Deadpool & Wolverine] but there were definitely early discussions about obvious drug use.

Feige definitely did not want to have a risky joke about drug use in the film. Last but not least, that is one thing MPAA (Motion Picture Association), which determines the age rating of films in the USA, pays particular attention to this. Levy and his team have nevertheless found a way to place an appropriate joke.

Levy reveals:

We thought that [die Diskussion um einen Witz über Drogenkonsum] an interesting conversation [im Film] could be. Let us actually write a dialogue scene about ithow we conduct this conversation.

Anyone who has seen the trailer for Deadpool & Wolverine knows exactly what Levy is referring to. At the very end there is a short Dialogue between Wade Wilson and Blind Alwhich asks: “Do you want to do some coke?” Wade then becomes nervous and whispers doggedly: “Cocaine is the only thing that goes too far according to Kevin Feige.”

You can watch the trailer for Deadpool & Wolverine here:

Deadpool & Wolverine – Trailer (German) HD

Because of the meta-framing, Feige probably turned a blind eye. But we shouldn’t expect to see a scene in the film with explicit drug use The age rating in the USA promises: “Intense bloody violence and coarse language, gore and sexual references throughout.”

When does Deadpool & Wolverine come to theaters?

We still have to wait almost a month until Deadpool and Wolverine make their debut in the Marvel Cinematic Universe. July 24, 2024 The hotly anticipated crossover event starts in German cinemas.
