Marvel and Star Wars have prevented long-awaited sci-fi sequel

Marvel and Star Wars have prevented long awaited sci fi sequel

It’s been over 10 years since Tron Legacy introduced us to a crazy ride through digital worlds has taken. A sequel to the sci-fi blockbuster has been talked about ever since. About five years ago, Jared Leto was announced as the star of the next Tron movie, but since then there has been little news about the sequel.

Now, in a recent interview, Tron Legacy and Top Gun: Maverick director Joseph Kosinski talked about that the failure of a new Tron movie related to Star Wars and Marvel.

Disney no longer needs a new Tron movie because of Marvel and Star Wars

As Variety reports, Kosinski says in a new Vulture interview that he’s already completely written and storyboarded Tron 3. In 2015, Disney is said to have suddenly pulled the plug on the project. For the director, this decision is clearly related to the fact that the company at that time Adopted Marvel and Star Wars as brands Has.

Check out the trailer for Tron Legacy here:

Tron Legacy – Trailer (German)

Since the Tron series combines fantasy and science fiction elements, it has been supplanted by the much more popular and successful franchises. In the interview, Kosinski is also understanding and explains that Disney logically relies on huge brands like Star Wars and Marvel before investing a lot of money in one riskier franchise invest like tron.

A few weeks ago, Jared Leto, the new Tron 3 star, last spoke about the status of the sci-fi sequel. The actor surrendered optimistic and said that work on the sequel was currently underway again. However, such a small sign of life is still a long way from concrete confirmation.

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Still want to see a third Tron movie?
