Marua Ajouz’s ex-boyfriend was heard in court: “I don’t remember”

– Then we may have different opinions about the reasonableness of it, says the prosecutor, when the accused again replied that he did not remember.

The accused had a destructive addiction to drugs for a couple of years, even during the acute time period in which the suspected murder was allegedly committed. He means that it makes it even harder for him to remember.

There is no technical evidence linking the accused to the suspected murder of Marua Ajouz. The evidence presented by the prosecutor is a puzzle of testimonies, cell phone locations and a strand of hair found on the sack in the beech forest that could belong to one of the accused’s friends and that cadaver dogs marked the kitchen floor of the accused’s former apartment.

The accused’s relationship with Marua

When the defense asks the accused about the relationship with Marua Ajouz, he says that they were together for 2-3 weeks and that it ended in the same time period as Marua’s disappearance. But that they were also in the same circle of acquaintances.

– How much do you have time to meet during a period of two or three weeks, the defense attorney asks the accused.

– I don’t know, I don’t remember, but certainly not very much, replies the defendant.

Denies crime

– If you have killed Marua, you should remember this evening, says the prosecutor.

– But I haven’t, I haven’t taken her life, says the defendant.

The prosecutor believes that there is a person who heard the defendant say that he shot Marua Ajouz by mistake.

– It’s bullshit, says the defendant, who has no recollection of whether he had a weapon or not.

Hear parts of the trial in the video above.
