Marseille: can we stop the violence?

Marseille can we stop the violence

France’s second city is in shock after the death of a 15-year-old boy burned alive, then two days later that of a VTC driver killed by a 14-year-old teenager. Yesterday Wednesday (October 9, 2024) an investigation was opened following the broadcast of a video of a group of men dressed all in black refuting the involvement of their organization in the two homicides, adding confusion to the chaos which seems to reign. Why does the state seem so powerless? How can we explain the ultra-rejuvenation of perpetrators of violence? How to stop the spiral of narchomicides in Marseille?

To debate it :

– Stéphane Quéré, professor in Criminology at the National Conservatory of Arts and Crafts, CNAM

-Vincent Fritsch, educator at the Judicial Protection of Youth (PJJ) and member of the SNPES-PJJ-FSU National Office

– Laurent Lhardit, PS deputy for Bouches-du-Rhône and municipal councilor of Marseille.
