Married at first sight: our psychologist’s eye on these “blind” unions

Married at first sight our psychologists eye on these blind

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    in collaboration with

    Amélie Boukhobza (Clinical psychologist)

    For several weeks, the M6 ​​channel began broadcasting, on Monday evenings, episodes of season 8 of “Married at First Sight”. Launched in France in 2016, this reality show unites couples according to their potential compatibility, even though they do not know each other. Are these unions probable? Here is the opinion of psychologist Amélie Boukhobza.

    In an age of meetings made easier by the Internet, social networks and dating applications downloaded to your smartphone, there is a show that advocates a completely different kind of meeting.

    This show is “Married at First Sight”, this reality show broadcast for eight years on M6. What do we think of these encounters, which begin with a marriage? Doctissimo interviewed psychologist Amélie Boukhobza.

    The goal is always the same: to meet the ideal person

    “The concept of the show “Married at First Sight” intrigues as much as it questions” first of all recognizes our expert. But in reality, it shows that human beings are always looking for true love. “We’re still testing the best way to meet the ideal partner, in fact.” she adds.

    Indeed, the format of the show is based on the idea of ​​marrying people on the basis of their scientific compatibility, evaluated by psychology experts and sexologists. But can science really help you find love?

    Tests to help you find your soul mate

    After being recruited, participants are matched using in-depth analyzes based on measurable criteria. “They are given personality tests, interviews, etc. These are all measures taken to maximize the chances of long-term compatibility, which could theoretically increase the chances of success.” recognizes our expert.

    But the particularity of the show lies in the fact that the couples begin their relationship with a strong union: marriage. “L“Couples only meet when they get married, hence the name of the show.” notes Amélie Boukhobza. And a way of proceeding which may be good, according to her. “Perhaps starting with a commitment as serious as marriage can motivate some to invest more in the relationship” she imagines. “So why not ?

    Criteria that cannot be anticipated

    On the other hand, other questions arise concerning this union with a person about whom we know nothing. “What about the prejudices that can influence our romantic choices (physical criteria, social status, etc.) or shared experiences, emotional attachment and time that tests cannot anticipate? Because the relationship is also all that” the psychologist rightly recalls. Ultimately, the show would be “a new adventure trying to uncover the secrets and tricks of love” for Amélie Boukhobza.

    Arranged marriages exist in other cultures

    However, arranged marriages are common in some cultures. “That’s correct” confirms the expert, “they are often based on considerations of compatibility between families or because of common values”.

    But for the psychologist, “In today’s Western societies where the freedom to meet and develop a relationship generally precedes marriage, such a model may seem counterintuitive.

    Finally, she concludes, it must be remembered that “compatibilities on paper do not necessarily translate into compatibilities in everyday life, because the essence of human relationships and love still remains unpredictability and the ability to evolve over time, elements that even science recognizes. more advanced cannot fully predict or replace. Wouldn’t marriage just be a matter of luck after all?

    30 quotes about marriage

    Slide: 30 quotes about marriage
