“Married at first sight”-Linnea has found love again

Married at first sight Linnea has found love again

Now SVT’s “Married at first sight – what happened then” has been shown on television. There we get to see how it turned out for the four couples and where they are today.

In the section tells Linnea that she has found love again and is “very happy and very happy”, but wants to keep him anonymous.


Here is SVT’s rule for the rings in Married at First Sight

That’s what happened to the couple in Married at First Sight in 2024

That’s why Linnea jumped at Gift at first sight

Linnea was paired with Jimmy of the experts and the couple initially had a good time. But in the eighth episode, Linnea and Jimmi chose to end their relationship amid great drama.

During a conversation with the expert Kalle Norwald told Linnea that trust is disappearing and that she didn’t feel good about being in a relationship with Jimmi anymore.

– The trust is not there and that’s why I choose to end, explained Linnea in the program.

Linnea shows off her new love

But now Linnea has chosen to show off the anonymous boyfriend on Instagram.

In an Instagram post, she has a series of pictures of the couple kissing and holding each other. Under the picture she writes: “I offered him scones & then he was hooked!!”.

Linnea is greeted by several congratulations and cheers and many are happy for her. Two who take the opportunity to congratulate on love are Anastasia and Rosanna from the same season.

“You guys are so damn cute together!!!!!!! Most beautiful couple,” commented Anastasia.

“So you two”, wrote Rosanna under the picture.


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That’s why Linnea chose to drop out of GVFÖ – really
