Márquez gets rid of Q1 with a fourth to the wheel of Miller

Marquez gets rid of Q1 with a fourth to the

There will be those who like it more and those who like it less, like Aleix Espargaró, and it is his right, by the way, to be annoyed that Marc Márquez takes his wheel, but there is no doubt that the one with the Repsol-Honda He is still not comfortable with his Honda and also knows how to make a wonderful living to save the furniture while waiting for better times to come. Sucker or rascal, depending on how you want to see it, the eight-time world champion took advantage of Jack Miller’s wheel to get rid of Q1 and go directly to Q2.

The man from Lleida got hooked on the rear wheel of Miller’s Ducati and jumped from fifteenth place, which he occupied very little from the end of FP3, to fourth place, which prevented him from going through Q1 purgatory. Marc was 0.143 behind the head that was finally occupied by Francesco Bagnaia, with a lead of 0.067 over Fabio Quartararo, which is the one that has really impressed the most in free practice, for speed in one lap but, above all, for rhythm or pace.

After the two heads Nakagami, the aforementioned Márquez, Maverick, Bastianini, Aleix, Mir, Martín and a Miller who apparently didn’t care that Marc took his wheel. Davide Tardozzi, Ducati team manager, made gestures from the wall that the Spaniard should pay the Australian for his wheel and then they discussed the move together in his box with good vibes, without any heat. It is not the first time that Jack has given Marquez a hand in this way and, as things stand, he looks like it won’t be the last either.

Times of the MotoGP FP3 in Jerez 22.

Those who will have to go through the playoffs are Bezzecchi, Zarco, Rins (surprising to see him in it given his spectacular form and how well the Suzuki is doing), Brad Binder, Morbidelli, Oliveira, Pol (fall), Marini, Dovizioso , Di Giannantonio, Bradl (fall), Álex Márquez (fall), Gardner, Savadori and Darryn Binder.
