Marmorstein: The Tidö agreement can create exciting debate

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Just over a month and a half after the election, it is now time for the term’s first party leader debate.

SVT’s political commentator Elisabeth Marmorstein believes that the debate can be exciting after the political map has now been redrawn.

– The conditions are there with the Tidö agreement and the government declaration, even if it may not be as high a temperature as during the clashes of the election campaign, she says in Morgonstudion.

She points out welfare, the climate and legal policy as three issues where the debate has a chance to heat up a little extra.

– A very large part of the Tidö Agreement deals with legal policy and there are many proposals here. Both Ulf Kristersson and Jimmie Åkesson will describe it as this paradigm shift, but I think some of the proposals will be disputed.

“More nerve wouldn’t hurt”

The current government can also expect a lot of criticism because, through the Tidö Agreement, it has entered into close cooperation with the Sweden Democrats.

– The opposition will not abandon it in the first place. Here we will hear things like Ulf Kristersson is prime minister in Jimmie Åkesson’s government, says Marmorstein.

The debate will also be the first where Ulf Kristersson is prime minister and Magdalena Andersson sits in the opposition. Marmorstein believes that Kristersson will try to appear more like a unifying statesman during the debate.

– Andersson had a rather subdued debating style in the election campaign, partly because she did not want conflict on the issues that were troublesome for her government. She doesn’t have to take that into account today, but I still don’t think she will be the slugger of the debate, but wants to appear more statesmanlike. But a little more nerve wouldn’t hurt, she says.
