Marko “Mörkö” Anttila ignites Ilves charm in forced flight – TPS’s credit guard Karejev was pulled as a hatch guard

Marko Morko Anttila ignites Ilves charm in forced flight

Ilves played the best match of his semifinal series in the Finnish Ice Hockey League and knocked down TPS’s goals 3-0 in front of a record audience of 11,628 eyes. TPS still leads the semi-finals with a win of 3-2.

15.4. 20:50 • Updated Apr 15 20:58

Marko Anttila (1 + 1) took Ilves’ backpack in the forced slit and finally excelled in his 12th playoff game of the season also in goal scoring. Ilves dug a 3-0 win in front of the sold-out home crowd and narrowed the semi-finals to 2-3. However, TPS has another chance to reach the final place in Turku on Saturday. He will reach the final series against Tappara with four wins.

Anttila, who appeared in Leijon as a man of important goals, surprised TPS’s credit guard in the opening round Andrei Karejevin from a small angle, between the legs 15.20. Oversized Anttila rose from the corner.

In the previous four TPS semi-finals, Ilves had made only one hit on a tie, but this time Jouko Myrrän the subordinates found the red wire in a five-on-five game and cemented the victory with three important tie five goals.

– Of course, the win was big for us. The players gave their all over today. Efficiency and support measures also warmed my mind. Langhamer was a man in place. We know how to play in Turku on Saturday, coach Myrrä said of Ilves’ budding “Turku dread.”

In the second installment, the people of Tampere smeared two passes, when Anttila and Joona Ikonen did not succeed in their parade venues. Defender Juuso Pullin a direct shot from the feed that took a small bounce from TPS Topias from Haapase, decisively eased Ilves’ condition in 30.55. Kuti headed for the upper nest of the fin hand.

– We were brave and rude. We struggled well and through that we got successes, rejoiced Ilves’ surprise solver Pulli, who also hit the goal frame once in the third round.

Langhamer parade fight turning point

One of the turning points of the match was seen just before the 2-0 goal scored by Ilves. Gold helmet for guests Markus Nurmella was a thousand euros to level the match in the 29th minute, when Ilves ‘defense defended momentarily badly in the handling of TPS’ dreaded number one chain. Ilves guard Marek Langhamer stretched the look of a game-like in the situation.

In the battle between the goalkeepers Marek Langhamer was clearly better than Karejev this time.

There was no threat in the third installment of TPS’s final bid. Matias Mäntykivi raced himself to the finish line in a one-on-one finish in 49.25 and passed the puck Andrei Karejevin. The lynx moved to a 3-0 lead and took a firm grip on the second attachment in the series. At the same time TPS coach Jussi Ahokas took Karejev off the finish line and passed between the poles Eetu Anttilan.

– We didn’t get our best today. There were disc losses in the middle, and Ilves was effective. The five-on-five finishers were pretty much equal to me. Tomorrow we will play our best game in the series, assured TPS pilot Ahokas in the media exam.

Ilves defender Tuomas Salmela in the first installment drastically but purely TPS Jonne Tammelaa, whose knee apparently bent at the descent. Tammela immediately left the locker room and did not return to the trough. The injury contributed to the chemistry of the attacking chains of the Ball Society.

– The lynx was more active than we were, it decided. On Saturday, we need to put more pressure on the opponent’s defense, planned by the TPS defender, who received almost 20 minutes of responsibility and avoided retaliation on Friday. Elmeri Eronen.

The possible seventh match of the semi-finals will be played on Monday in Tampere.
