Marius Borg Høiby is accused of new rape

Aftenposten reports that another woman has reported the Norwegian bonus prince Marius Borg Høiby for abuse.

The newspaper has talked to lawyer John Christian Elden, who confirms that he has been appointed plaintiff’s assistant for a woman in her 20s.

According to Aftenposten’s information, the accusation is about a rape, which should have taken place during the autumn last year. The woman must have been questioned by police several times.

– I do not know this and therefore have no comments to give, says Høiby’s defense lawyer to the newspaper.

It was in August last year that the “bonus prince” was arrested for the first time, suspected of being violent against his then girlfriend, as well as damage in an apartment. Høiby later admitted that he practiced violence against his girlfriend and that he was affected by alcohol and cocaine at the time.

Since then, several other ex -girlfriends have stepped forward and accused Marius Borg Høiby of physical and mental violence.

He is also suspected of violating the visitor and contact ban.
