Marion Maréchal elected in a party undermined by divisions – L’Express

Marion Marechal elected in a party undermined by divisions –

After the Stations of the Cross, the Resurrection. Everyone seemed to have buried Marion Maréchal, especially her own party. But against all expectations, the head of the Reconquête list (Eric Zemmour’s party) managed to garner 5.46% of the votes, and won his ticket to the European Parliament. François Hollande was a subscriber to rain, Marion Maréchal seems to be a subscriber to bad luck: she barely has time to rejoice in her victory, this Sunday evening, when it is eclipsed by the announcement of Emmanuel Macron who dissolves the National Assembly.

Result: almost no one comments on the reprieve grabbed by the far-right party, which nevertheless surprises even internally. It must be said that no one expected it. There were a few petits fours ordered for the occasion, and a handful of fifty-year-olds in suits crowding into the HQ of the 8th arrondissement. But the meetings had already been set for Monday, June 10, with the journalists. And it was agreed, for the Zemmourists, to kill Marine Le Pen’s niece, after a long campaign spent hating each other. We will have to revise the agenda. And fill in the trenches. Because there will be five elected officials from the party to take over the European Parliament. Marion Maréchal, but also Guillaume Peltier, Sarah Knafo, Nicolas Bay and Laurence Trochu.

READ ALSO: “If Marion Maréchal makes less than 5%…”: at Reconquête, an end of campaign on the verge of implosion

Work together ? “Impossible, it’s gone too far”

As a reminder, an overview of the atmosphere that reigned internally, three days earlier. Kind regards of this type, coming from Éric Zemmour’s entourage: “Patrick Buisson had nevertheless warned us that Marion Maréchal would bring us nothing, already when she rallied us during the presidential campaign, we saw clearly that that would not had no effect.” Responses of this kind, scathed by those close to Marion Maréchal: “I hope that journalists will one day note that some have happily fed this story of internal war when others have not done so. And if we spoke in military language, this kind of practice is akin to being shot in the back.”

READ ALSO: Europeans: at Reconquest, a list but two clans who hate each other

Good. We clear it all and start again ? “Impossible, it went too far,” assures someone close to Marion Maréchal. However, we will have to work together. And it starts badly. For her first speech, Marine Le Pen’s niece assures her again: the RN is not her adversary, and she also extends her hand to Jordan Bardella and Marine Le Pen by offering them a coalition for the upcoming legislative elections, causing repeated grimaces from Eric Zemmour in the background. Speaking some time later, the latter calls, again, for the union of the rights, considering that it is up to “the leaders of the RN and LR to tell us if they want the rally to win, or the monopoly so that nothing changes. At Reconquest, the rest of the brave will come later, because the far-right party is also going back into the campaign, and will have to fight on two fronts: internally and against its competitors.
