Marion Maréchal deplores a change of heart from the National Rally which “refuses” an agreement

Marion Marechal deplores a change of heart from the National

The figure of the French far-right Marion Maréchal deplored on Tuesday June 11 “a change of position” of the National Rally (RN) party which “refuses the very principle of an agreement” with his Reconquête party, in the context of the elections legislative elections of June 30 and July 7. Formerly called Marion Maréchal Le Pen, she hoped for an agreement between the party of her aunt Marine Le Pen, which she had left, and her current formation, dominated by the polemicist Éric Zemmour.

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Despite my attempts at negotiation, the regrettable argument put forward to me (East) that they do not wish any direct or indirect association with Eric Zemmour », Explained in a press release the one who led the Zemmourist list in the European elections.

Marion Maréchal met Monday June 10 afternoon with party president Jordan Bardella and Marine Le Pen, at the RN headquarters. At the end of this interview, the president of the flame party emphasized that his previous competitor had “ demonstrated throughout the campaign a constructive approach and attitude towards the National Rally “. This while sliding that it had ” not been the case for Éric Zemmour “.

But this Tuesday, the National Rally revised its position, according to Ms. Maréchal. “ As we were about to finalize an agreement providing for the representation of the 1.4 million Reconquest voters in the European elections in a legislative coalition, Jordan Bardella informed me (Tuesday) afternoon of a change of positionshe wrote in her press release. This sudden and contradictory decision with our numerous exchanges and preparatory work does not live up to the events and the hope aroused among the French “, she added.

Ms. Maréchal, for her part, expressed her “ ardent wish ” of ” find a way to bring us together » with the Lepéniste party. This in the framework of early legislative elections summoned by French President Emmanuel Macron after the victory of the French far right in the European elections.

She still had to discuss it » Tuesday afternoon with Eric Zemmour, the president of his Reconquête! party, against a backdrop of notorious enmity between them.

Read alsoFrance: the right implodes after Ciotti’s proposal for an alliance between the Republicans and the National Rally
