Mario or Sonic? SEGA Wants Sonic to Surpass Mario

Mario or Sonic SEGA Wants Sonic to Surpass Mario

According to the news of Insider Gaming, one of the important publications of the gaming industry, SEGA wants Sonic to surpass Mario in popularity. SEGA director Osamu Ohasi, said in a new interview that he wants Sonic to surpass Mario. Considering that Osamu Ohasi is currently the manager of SEGA’s 2nd Business Department, which is responsible for the Sonic series, we can find this request extremely normal. So is this possible, is Mario or Sonic better?

SEGA Wants Sonic to Surpass Mario

SEGA’s 2nd Business Department Manager, Osamu Ohasi, who is responsible for the Sonic series, said in an interview that he was responsible for sonic series He made statements about. Your biggest competitors mario Stating that he is, Ohasi stated that they have plans to expand Sonic and declared that their goal is to surpass Mario.

Mario or Sonic SEGA Wants Sonic to Surpass Mario

SEGA Manager Ohasi, who used extremely realistic and respectful expressions about Mario; “Sonic, in the beginning Competing with Mario It was a game developed for and we haven’t achieved it yet. “Because we respect Mario, my aim is to catch up with him and surpass him,” he said.

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Sonic is just like Mario Ohasi emphasized that he wants the Sonic movie to be played all over the world, including Japan, and to be watched more than Mario; He also underlined that they want to create a Sonic attraction in Japan. Ohasi stated that this is his goal as a SEGA manager and as a Sonic lover; He said that their struggle will continue for high goals.

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So Which is Better: Mario or Sonic?

These statements by SEGA Manager Ohasi clearly reveal which series is better. Because even the name responsible for Sonic states that their goal is to catch and surpass Mario. In other words, he accepts that they are behind Mario and sees even competing with Mario as a success.

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To make a comparison between the 2 series, we need to take a look at some figures; Mario vs. sonic comparison We can briefly summarize the current situation as follows:

The latest The Super Mario Bros. the movie is at the box office $1.36 billion revenue got it. The total revenue of the 2 Sonic the Hedgehog movies is only 725 million dollars. In other words, two Sonic movies have only reached half of a Super Mario movie.

Latest game news You can take a look here.

The situation is similar in game series. mario, More than 830 million games sold It currently remains the best-selling video game series of all time. So it’s not just Sonic, he has no rivals in the gaming industry in this field. The newest Sonic game, Sonic Superstars, is available to players via Steam and Epic Games Store for PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5, Xbox One, Xbox Series X|S, Nintendo Switch and PC.

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What Gamers Say, Can Sonic Beat Mario?

Comparison of Sonic with Mario and SEGA’s aim to surpass Mario with Sonic surprised and made the players smile. Because no one in the gaming industry thinks this is possible. It became a hot topic in the global gaming industry due to the statements in SEGA manager Osamu Ohasi’s interview. Comparison between Sonic and Mario Let’s take a look at the somewhat sarcastic and somewhat humorous comments made by the players on their personal social media accounts:

“Me too Elon Musk “I want a wealth that rivals that of others, but it doesn’t seem like it’s possible just by asking.”

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“They’ve been wanting this for 30 years, but Nintendo “We need to ask him what he says about this matter.”

Super Mario Galaxy If you make a game like this, you will pass. Otherwise, run, run, run, it gets tiring!”

“Your men are more console This was their wish even when they were removing it. Why did it become news now?

“Even comparing Mario or Sonic is funny, it’s an insult to Mario. I also had breakfast in Tokyo with my private jet. have lunch in Istanbul, I want to have dinner in London. I can also go to New York to sleep, but it seems a little difficult…”

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Nintendo “come on” He probably won’t say. It is not possible to pass with this quality difference anyway.”

“Me too dollar 1 TL I want it to happen, but it doesn’t work, SEGA!”
