Marine Tondelier raises the voice of the Greens and the NFP

Marine Tondelier raises the voice of the Greens and the

In great difficulty during the European elections, where the Ecologists obtained only 5.5% of the votes, against 13.5% in 2019 and therefore almost did not obtain any MEPs, the national secretary of Europe Écologie-les Verts (EELV) Marine Tondelier has established herself since the dissolution of the National Assembly as a voice that carries in the legislative campaign. But the leader of the Greens is still walking a tightrope.

2 min

If I learned anything from confronting the National Rally (RN) for 10 years, it is that we must not lower our eyes, our heads, or our arms »: the leader of the Greens, Marine Tondelier chants this sentence, in every speech, in every media appearance. The fight against the extreme right is her battle, which she lives every day Hénin-Beaumont, the electoral stronghold of RN leader Marine Le Pen.

This is also why, on the evening of the dissolution of the Assembly, the leader of EELV telephoned all the leaders of the left to ask them to reform a coalition. An initiative which nevertheless made some people grind their teeth: ” Everything was ready for an alliance without LFIregrets a close friend of the candidate of Place publique and the Socialist Party for the European elections, Raphaël Glucksmann. And she ruined everything by immediately calling the Insoumis, all to save seats. »

An electoral and personal equation

The leader of the Greens is facing an electoral equation, but also a personal one. The creation of the New Popular Front undoubtedly saved Marine Tondelier, whose position was under threat after the defeat in the European elections, despite the fact that EELV has historically achieved good scores.

The environmentalist group in the Assembly should be progressing, at the end of the legislative elections. So here it is, totally relaunched. At least while waiting for the internal battle that is announced within the New Popular Front, the day after the second round. But here too, Marine Tondelier intends to weigh in on the debate.

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