Marine Ltemporel reveals her funny tip for staying in shape and clearing her head

Marine Ltemporel reveals her funny tip for staying in shape

Little sports fan? Do like Marine Ltemporel who figured out how to burn calories without realizing it! Miss France 2013 reveals her simple trick in video.

On her Instagram account, Marine Ltemporel published a video revealing the perfect Sunday she spent with her darling, Stanislas Gruau. Between relaxation, cleaning and sporting activity, Miss France 2013 has not been idle.

While Sunday is synonymous with rest for some, Marine Ltemporel prefers to take advantage of it to do a lot of activities. To clear her head, she likes to play a game of chess, go jogging outdoors or read a good book in peace. When it comes to household chores, the beauty queen loves vacuuming while dancing. Perfect for combining chores and calorie burn! In fact, vacuuming uses the arms and lower back, also helping to tone the shoulders and buttocks. Results: a cleaned interior and a refined silhouette! Allow one hour to eliminate 200 calories. Combined with dancing, this normally not fun activity can be ideal for spending time without thinking about it.

To ensure a slim and toned body, Marine Loiseau also relies on different sporting activities, as we can see on her Instagram account. The Frenchwoman is a fan of Crossfit, cycling, running, swimming and even skiing. This diversity allows the general practitioner to use all the muscles in her body, thus guaranteeing a harmonious silhouette. The 31-year-old star has also released a book, called In great shape: My health advice for feeling good in body and mindin order to share his effective tips.
