Marine Le Pen’s program: immigration, wages, retirement… Her key measures

Marine Le Pens program immigration wages retirement Her key measures

LE PEN PROGRAM. Marine Le Pen qualified for the second round of the 2022 presidential election against Emmanuel Macron. Covid, purchasing power, retirement… Discover the summary of the key measures of its program.

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[Mis à jour le 10 avril 2022 à 21h08] Marine Le Pen qualified for the second round of the presidential elections. This Sunday, April 10, 2022, the RN candidate obtained 23.4% of the votes according to the latest estimates from Ipsos and Sopra Steria for France 2. She will face Emmanuel Macron, himself credited with 28.4% of the votes, on 24 next April. The duel of the 2017 presidential elections will therefore be replayed, in a very different context from five years ago.

Marine Le Pen is in her third consecutive presidential campaign. The one who failed against Emmanuel Macron in 2017 with 33.90% of the vote, against 66.10% for the current president, intends to work hard this time to win. For this, it highlights in its program the following three measures: “Stop uncontrolled immigration by giving the floor to the French by referendum”, “Eradicate Islamist ideologies and all their networks from national territory” and “Make safety everywhere and for everyone a priority for the five-year term”. Themes dear to his party and linked to his campaign slogan “M France”.

What does the contender for the National Rally at the Élysée Palace offer in her program? Marine Le Pen’s credo is the trio “Protection, projection, transmission”. From immigration to retirement, including VAT and purchasing power, school, Covid and health, or even ecology and Europe, discover summaries of the key areas of its program on this page. for this 2022 presidential election and the next five-year term.

The RN candidate wishes to register the national preference in the Constitution. Concretely, this consists of reserving advantages for people with French nationality compared to foreigners. To apply this measure, Marine Le Pen intends to set up a referendum. His law would also be “constitutional on immigration”. “In reality the main problem is the problem of immigration. It is on this subject of theimmigration that abusive case law, very often more than international texts, has deprived the French, the public authorities, of the possibility of acting”, she explains.

Marine Le Pen plans several measures, including the end of family reunification, the abolition of ius soli, the tightening of naturalization and the processing of applications for the right of asylum only abroad. The frontist candidate aims toconditioning access to social assistance at least five years of work. She wants to ensure national priority access to social housing and employment, remove the residence permit for foreigners who have not worked within 12 months. Elected, Marine Le Pen also wants the “systematic” expulsion of illegal immigrants, delinquents and foreign criminals.

The acquisition of the 40 annuities will always be necessary to go to the retirement but the idea behind the measure is that “the earlier you started working, the more you have to retire at a reasonable age.” “Because when you start early, it’s often because you do manual work, whereas when you enter working life later, it’s often because you do intellectual work that is much less tiring. “, supports the candidate RN. She wants to “strongly encourage young people to enter working life earlier”, by allowing them to liquidate their pension rights from the age of 60 if they took their first steps in the world of work between the ages of 17 and 20. Those who started working at age 25 or later will have to wait until the age of cancellation of the discount, 67 years. Also, the candidate promised not to deindex the pensions, to pass the “small pensions” and the minimum old age at 1000 euros. Moreover, it wants to reindex pensions on inflation.

In the program “France in the eyes”, on BFMTV on March 22, Marine Le Pen declared that, if she were elected, she would “reinstate all the nursing staff [non-vacciné] who has been suspended”. She also said she was in favor of retroactively paying the salaries that were not affected by these suspended caregivers. BFMTV that, for her, the measures introduced by the government to fight against Covid 19, in particular the health pass, were “useless” and that they “attack on our individual freedoms”. Finally, the far-right candidate had reaffirmed in passing his opposition to the “vaccination of children and compulsory vaccination”.

Regarding purchasing power, Marine le Pen wants to lower VAT from 20% to 5.5% on energy, allow companies to increase wages by 10% (up to 3 smic) by exempting this increase from employer contributions , renationalise motorway companies, privatize public broadcasting.

  • Marine Le Pen wants to make security an important part of his five-year term. To the police, she promises “a presumption of self-defense”. In its program, the National Rally wants to allow the registration of street harassers in the sex offender file, to reach 85,000 prison places in 2027. The candidate also says she wants to “eradicate” Islamist ideologies and all of their networks.
  • The RN candidate offered to remove subsidies for intermittent renewables such as wind or solar. The candidate sees wind power as a “useless sector”, she wants to stop the development of all French wind power projects, whether they are located at sea or on land. On its site, it goes so far as to propose the dismantling of all the wind turbines installed on the territory.
  • It wishes to promote entrepreneurship in youth (the “total” exemption from tax over five years), their training (a training check for companies) or even “public loans capped at zero rate” for “young families” whose “capital remaining due ( will be) erased from the third child”. Marine Le Pen announced an “evolution of taxation on donations and inheritances”.
  • On the shutter healthit is considering a plan of 20 billion euros over five years, including 2 billion to raise the salaries of caregivers and to abolish the regional health agencies.
  • On education, it would abolish the teaching of languages ​​and cultures of origin. It would punish lack of attendance by suspending family allowances and scholarships. It would increase teachers by 3% per year.
  • Emmanuel Macron’s presidency of the European Union imposed the subject of european politics in presidential campaigns. Marine Le Pen presented her project at a press conference on January 18. If she no longer wishes to leave the European Union as in 2017, she defends a “Europe of nations and intends to “put the EU back in its place”, i.e. a step above national sovereignty. The candidate explains in her program that she wants to establish the superiority of constitutional law over European law.

If you wish to have more details and see all the measures proposed by the candidate Marine Le Pen, it is online, on her campaign site. Find his program here.

What about Marine Le Pen’s program in 2017?

Five years ago, Marine Le Pen proposed a somewhat different program, even if certain points have not evolved over the last five years. Here are the first 10 bars of his program at the time:

  • Suspension of the Schengen agreements and a restoration of border control.
  • Expulsion of all foreign S files and the implementation of article 411-4 of the penal code to deprive of nationality and prohibit from territory the dual nationals convinced of links with jihadism.
  • Repeal of the Dati and Taubira penal laws to put an end to “judicial laxity”.
  • Organization of a referendum on a major institutional reform to introduce, among other things, proportional representation, the popular initiative referendum, national priority, “the defense of our identity as a people and our historical and cultural heritage” and the reduction of the number of deputies and senators.
  • Reduction of 10% of the first three brackets of income tax and the restoration of the additional half tax share for widows and widowers. In detail, donations from parents to their children would be exempt from tax within the limit of 100,000 euros per child every five years and 50,000 euros for grandchildren.
  • Marine Le Pen also wants the restoration of retirement at age 60 with 40 annual contributions.
  • Abolition of state medical aid reserved for illegal immigrants
  • Restoration of the tax exemption and the increase in overtime and revaluation of small pensions.
  • Redirection of the 50 billion euros reduction in CICE charges towards VSEs-SMEs exclusively.
  • Repeal of the labor law “known as El Khomri law” but retention of 35 hours.
