Marine Le Pen, the day after

Marine Le Pen the day after

She wanted to make these legislative elections the third round of the presidential election: Marine Le Pen largely wins her bet. The National Rally won 89 seats in the National Assembly, a historic score. Re-elected deputy hands down Sunday evening in Hénin-Beaumont in Pas-de-Calais, the former presidential candidate intends to apply for key positions in the future Assembly.

With our special correspondents in Hénin-Beaumont, Julien Chavanne and Bertrand Haeckler

Little night after a big election night for Marine Le Pen. The MP made an appointment with the press early in front of her office, here in Hénin-Beaumont, to once again savor the historic score of the National Rally (RN). Marine Le Pen determined to use all her new powers in the hemicycle.

We will ask for everything we are entitled to. Everything that would have been granted to the first opposition group in the National Assembly. So the presidency of the Finance Committee and a vice-presidency, of course “, she told the press.

The appetite is back at the RN. The party had perhaps its finest victory under the Marine Le Pen era. The leader who confirms that she will not take over the presidency of the party. ” I will not take the lead of the National Rally given the importance of this group. I will devote myself to the presidency of the group at the National Assembly “, she explains. ” There will be a congress that will take place in the fall to allow members of the National Rally to choose their future leader.. »

It is in the Assembly that everything will happen now. Marine Le Pen has understood this well and intends to take advantage of it. She, the only former presidential candidate to give voice in the hemicycle.

Read also : Legislative 2022: surprises and misfortunes of the French election
