Marine Le Pen returns to the field with her favorite themes

Marine Le Pen returns to the field with her favorite

Arrived second in the first round of the French presidential election, the candidate of the National Rally Marine Le Pen was this Monday, April 11 in Soucy, in Yonne. A visit organized at the last moment so as not to leave the field open to Emmanuel Macron.

It was around 12:30 p.m. when Thierry and Dominique Blanc received a phone call: would they agree to receive Marine Le Pen on their cereal farm? The National Rally candidate landed five hours later, surrounded by a swarm of cameras.

The press was warned at the last moment, reports our special correspondent, Julien Chavanne. For this first day of the between-two-rounds, Marine Le Pen’s campaign team had initially planned a meeting in luxurious salons in the capital with his staff. It made “ too paris “, recognizes a part of the team. And even if Marine Le Pen refutes it, this change of program also appears as a response to Emmanuel Macron’s trip to Denain, in Hauts-de-France.

I did not wait for Emmanuel Macron to campaign because otherwise I would never have started it, she tackles, in reference to the late entry into the campaign of the president-candidate. Let him go to Denain to see the consequences of five years of his policy, since it is one of the poorest towns in France, I hope he will come out of it with the awareness that his policy has made a lot of trouble. »

Marine Le Pen walks in the mud alongside the couple, again and again with the subject of purchasing power and inflation. ” We are facing a wall that the government was trying to reduce because we are in an election period, without saying what awaits us the day after the election. Me, I believe that the role of a leader is to hold a speech of truth “, she argues.

Purchasing power and rurality: the campaign diptych of the first round will remain the guideline for the second. ” We strike while the iron is hot “Explains someone close to the candidate, determined to surf on a subject that has succeeded so far. His campaign program will remain flexible, to leave no inch of ground to Emmanuel Macron.
