Marine Le Pen: Mélenchon accused of “treason”… News, program, poll results

Marine Le Pen Melenchon accused of treason News program poll

10:30 am – Marine Le Pen has “all the teams I need” to govern

Marine Le Pen assures her: “I have all the teams I need.” If she wins the 2022 presidential election, the National Rally candidate says she is surrounded enough to compose her government team. “I could even make four or five of them,” she boasts on France Inter. But the MP for Pas-de-Calais does not drop any names: “no one will answer you. Besides, Emmanuel Macron will not answer you any more than me.” Her Prime Minister, she would already have in mind. “Around me, there are people of very high quality (mayors, regional councilors…)”, she simply lets go.

10:15 – Marine Le Pen slams an “undemocratic” European Union and defends her vision of the EU

After having affirmed, Monday during a trip to Yonne, that she did not intend to bring France out of the European Union, Marine Le Pen estimated “that a large majority of French people no longer want European Union as it exists today, which is a European Union which functions in an undemocratic way, which advances by threats, blackmail and which implements policies which go against the interests of the peoples and of the vital interest of our economies”, she judged on France Inter, scathing in particular the device “From the farm to the fork” which, in his eyes, “decreases European agricultural production by 10 to 20%.” The text itself sets targets for reducing the use of pesticides, the use of chemical fertilizers and even for a quarter of agricultural land to be cultivated organically.

Marine Le Pen does not “contest” for all that “Europe”. We are a European country.” The candidate for the presidency of the Republic wishes “that there can be cooperation between the countries in Europe, of course”, evoking in particular her desire to carry out “a major policy of the sea with the ‘Europe’, on the same model as space policy. ‘But that cannot be done against the will of the peoples of Europe.’

09:36 – Marine Le Pen insists on her desire to undermine secularism: “The veil is an Islamist uniform”

Marine Le Pen returns to France Inter on her desire to ban the wearing of the veil in the street. A measure contrary to secularism, a principle sacred by the French Constitution, but which it wants to quickly enforce, with fines for offenders. “The veil is not a Muslim uniform, it’s an Islamist uniform, it’s the uniform of an ideology, not a religion,” she says. “What I note is that in the neighborhoods, we are told that all women are free. This is not true”. And to add, as if to give credibility to his remarks: “Today I hear people who, on this subject, have changed their minds, for example Jean-Luc Mélenchon. I found comments in “On n’ is not lying”, in 2010, where he said that the veil is a repugnant and obscene practice. See, I don’t go that far, I found this statement to be excessive all the same”. Remember that Jean-Luc Mélenchon never wanted to ban the wearing of the veil in the street.

09:25 – Marine Le Pen does not want Eric Zemmour in his government

The far-right candidate does not intend to call Eric Zemmour for public reconciliation. If some hoped that she would publicly offer him a second round alliance, as she had done with Nicolas-Dupont-Aignan, it is now very clear, that will not happen. Asked about the subject on France Inter, she dotted the i’s: “No”, (Eric Zemmour in my government) “it’s not a possibility”. “I have all the teams I need, I could even set up four or five of them,” she added, as if to make it clear that the former executives of her party who chose to join Eric Zemmour in full campaign would not solicit. A radical position for Marine Le Pen, who will therefore campaign for the second round without the support of Eric Zemmour like his niece Marion Maréchal.

09:11 – Marine Le Pen accuses Jean-Luc Mélenchon of “treason”

The National Rally candidate did not appreciate Jean-Luc Mélenchon’s speech on Sunday. This one hammered (4 times) his voting instructions: “We must not give any vote to Madame Le Pen” he launched. Remember that five years ago, Jean-Luc Mélenchon had held the same line, even if he had waited 6 days to make it public. But obviously, Marine Le Pen considers that the leader of France Insoumise is compromising. On France Inter, she harshly judged her rival dismissed in the 1st round: “The behavior of Jean-Luc Mélenchon was for me a source of great astonishment. (… He is closer to Emmanuel Macron than five years ago years. Now, we know what it is, Emmanuel Macron, he has a record, we can judge.” And to add: “I think he chose the interest of his elected officials rather than his voters, he is already in the legislative elections, I think it’s a betrayal on his part”. Marine Le Pen is already in a campaign strategy: to discredit the candidate Jean-Luc Mélenchon to call on his voters to choose his ballot Sunday April 24 .

04/11/22 – 11:24 p.m. – “There are a lot of Jean-Luc Mélenchon voters who will vote for us”, says Jordan Bardella

END OF LIVE – Will Jean-Luc Mélenchon be the kingmaker of this presidential election? Guest of TPMP on Monday evening, Jordan Bardella returned to the call of the leader of the Insoumis to vote for Emmanuel Macron rather than Marine Le Pen. “I think the candidates don’t own their voters. And I think there are a lot of Jean-Luc Mélenchon voters who won’t vote Emmanuel Macron. […] I think there are a lot of Jean-Luc Mélenchon voters who will vote for us,” said the interim president of the National Rally.
