Marine Le Pen is already preparing for the second round

Marine Le Pen is already preparing for the second round

Nine days before the first round of the presidential election, the candidate of the National Rally Marine Le Pen was this Friday, April 1 in Stiring-Wandel, in Moselle (east), for a meeting in front of several hundred people.

The closer the first round approaches, the more the marinist sympathizers smile. “ Ah yes, we are confident. “Given at 20% in the first round and almost neck and neck in the second against Emmanuel Macron, Marine Le Pen has never risen so high against the outgoing president. So much so that the candidate is now attacking the rally on the evening of the first round.

I know that there is (…) a patriotic right which has at heart, above all and especially before the exorbitant privileges of a few, the love of its compatriots and the interest of the nation “, she thus launched in front of nearly a thousand activists gathered in Stiring-Wendel (Moselle), a small working-class town of 12,300 inhabitants which had given her the winner in 2017 against Emmanuel Macron, with nearly 52% of the votes.

A call from the foot to the conservative right, the voters of Valérie Pécresse or Eric Zemmour, analyzes our special correspondent, Julien Chavanne. But also a helping hand to the working classes tempted by Jean-Luc Mélenchon: “ I know that there is also a patriotic left, aware of the protective character of the nation, convinced of the importance of secularism that is peaceful because it is respected “. The “at the same timenationalist version of Marine Le Pen. ” Whatever the left, whatever the right, I would not be the president of one part of the people against the other, but the president of all the French, the president of French unity. »

Social rights reserved for “French people”

Marine Le Pen castigated socialism which ” is no longer, for a long time, the social but the assistantship », and a Socialist Party which « lost the confidence first of the workers, then of the lower classes, then of everyone “. She defended the social rights (which) are the only property of those who have none “, assuming to reserve them for” French “. Marine Le Pen wants to include in the Constitution the “national priority”, which will exclude foreigners from certain social benefits.

The RN candidate defended a project of the ” regal », promising « the stop “immigration” anarchic that overwhelms and distorts our neighborhoods », and a project of « day-to-day » by rolling out his proposals on purchasing power. ” In the France of Emmanuel Macron, the only ones who seem to be making profits, and big profits, are not the French, they are the American consulting firms “, she launched, referring to the controversy around the firm McKinsey.

Marine Le Pen is betting on a “useful vote” against Emmanuel Macron, more confident than ever: “ We will win “.
