Marine Le Pen breaks her silence and calls on voters to vote for the RN in the legislative elections

Marine Le Pen breaks her silence and calls on voters

Like every May 1, the National Rally laid a wreath of flowers this Sunday at the feet of the statue of Joan of Arc in Paris. But for the first time, no member of the Le Pen family took part: only Jordan Bardella, the acting president of the far-right party, was present.

We had not seen her since the evening of the second round, Sunday April 24. Marine Le Pen chose social networks and a short video of about 2 minutes to kick off the legislative battle. Purchasing power, pensions: the ex-candidate serves again his presidential campaign themes.

And like Jean-Luc Mélenchon, she calls for playing the ” third round » against Emmanuel Macron next June:

You will have the choice between deputies subject to Emmanuel Macron who will blindly pass all his decisions, without opposition, and deputies who support my project and my values ​​for France. Without deputies to support him, Emmanuel Macron will be powerless to apply his harmful project for France and his unfair choices for the French. With a maximum of MPs who will support me in Parliament, I will be able to protect your purchasing power and bring measures that finally recognize work at its fair value.

Marine Le Pen remains in the background for the moment. She leaves the reins of the party and the spotlight to her protege, Jordan Bardella.

After her defeat – her third – in the presidential election, the deputy and ex-candidate gives herself time to breathe a little longer before resuming the road to the campaign in Pas-de-Calais, where she will be a candidate for her succession.

Also to listen: Legislative 2022 in France: what recomposition of the political landscape?
