Marine Le Pen and Éric Zemmour obtain their 500 sponsorships

several candidates presented their program to Medef

The far-right presidential candidates Marine Le Pen and Éric Zemmour, who were struggling to collect their sponsorships, obtained the 500 signatures of elected officials necessary to stand for this election, as well as the sovereignist Nicolas Dupont -Aignan, according to the Constitutional Council.

Éric Zemmour had 620 sponsorships on Tuesday, Nicolas Dupont-Aignan 532, and Marine Le Pen 503, according to the list published Tuesday by the institution on its site. The contenders for the Elysée have until Friday 6:00 p.m. to send their precious sesame to the Constitutional Council, which will then have to verify that the sponsorships come from at least 30 different departments.

►Also read: Presidential 2022: the sponsorship battle rages on

The three candidates thus join the eight other contenders who have already obtained the necessary signatures to be formally on the starting line in the first round on April 10. The LR candidate Valérie Pécresse prances in the lead with 2,457 initials, followed by President Emmanuel Macron, who must still formalize his candidacy by Friday, with 1,785 sponsorships, then the socialist Anne Hidalgo, 1,318, the candidate LFI Jean- Luc Mélenchon, 808, ecologist Yannick Jadot, 669, communist Fabien Roussel, 613, deputy Jean Lassalle, 602 and Lutte Ouvrière candidate Nathalie Arthaud, 568.

Christiane Taubira far from the account

Among the candidates who do not yet have 500 signatures, Christiane Taubira had 181 on Tuesday. The president of the MoDem François Bayrou, a close ally of outgoing President Emmanuel Macron, announced on Sunday that he would grant his sponsorship to Marine Le Pen, in the name of democracy. He indicated on Friday that his initiative to ” sponsorship bank “had gathered the support of 365 signatories, a reserve a priori sufficient to guarantee Marine Le Pen and Eric Zemmour to be able to compete.

Prime Minister Jean Castex last Tuesday called on elected officials to ” bring their sponsorships to the presidential candidates, emphasizing that such an approach ” does not automatically equate to political support “. Nearly 42,000 elected officials, including 34,000 mayors, can grant their sponsorship. The Constitutional Council posts on its website twice a week, on Tuesdays and Thursdays, the list updated in real time.

(With AFP)

►Also read: Sponsorships in the presidential election: a certain idea of ​​France
