Marine Le Pen: a serious debate… News and poll results

Marine Le Pen a serious debate News and poll results

THE PEN. Watched by 15.6 million viewers, the debate between the two rounds was more sedate and calmer than five years ago. Overall, Marine Le Pen would have seemed more convincing to 39% of viewers, according to a survey. For 59% of them, she seemed less in control than her competitor Emmanuel Macron.

The essential

  • Marine Le Pen took part last night in the debate between the two rounds of the presidential. A quieter debate than five years ago. Following an Elabe poll conducted for Express and BFM, it appears that Marine Le Pen was more convincing during the debate in the eyes of 39% of viewers. Returning to the tone of the debate, Jordan Bardella declared this morning on BFMTV that Emmanuel Macron was “the number one public insulter”, while Gabriel Attal, government spokesperson, estimated on Franceinfo about Marine Le Pen that “we can see that she wanted to change the tone, but that, basically, there is not much that has changed on the guidelines”.
  • The National Rally candidate is credited with 43 to 47% voting intentions in the second round of the presidential election according to the various polls. The dynamic in recent days has rather been in favor of his rival Emmanuel Macron.
  • Marine Le Pen has endeavored to display a credible and moderate image and program since the start of this in-between-round. The RN candidate tries to qualify her remarks and her positions, in particular on the ban on wearing the veil, a few days before the ballot.
  • A week before the second round of the presidential election, Marine Le Pen is accused, along with four deputies from her party, of embezzlement in a report by the European Union Anti-Fraud Office. The candidate is accused of having wrongly received 137,000 euros.
  • Follow the latest news from Marine Le Pen in this campaign between the two rounds of this 2022 presidential election.

Latest Macron-Le Pen poll


10:04 – Marine Le Pen, what program for the home stretch?

Marine Le Pen resumes her campaign on the ground the day after the debate between the two rounds which opposed her to Emmanuel Macron. She will move to Roye in the Somme at midday. Then, the far-right candidate will head to Arras in Pas-de-Calais, where she will hold a final meeting devoted to purchasing power.

Learn more

At the end of the first round of the 2022 presidential election, Marine Le Pen came second with 23.15% of the vote, behind Emmanuel Macron with 27.85% of the vote. The National Rally candidate only got 420,000 votes more than Jean-Luc Mélenchon, who failed in third place with 21.95% of the vote. Marine Le Pen nevertheless obtained a better score than in 2017 (20.3%) and won almost 500,000 more votes (8.1 million voters against 7.6 5 years ago). Its best results are recorded in the departments of northern and eastern France. The candidate came first in 20,000 municipalities out of the approximately 36,000 in the country.

Marine Le Pen has promised to “put France back in order by ensuring the protection of the French”. Several axes were put forward in his program during the campaign such as a “progressive system” allowing retirement from the age of 60, a triptych “protect, plan, transmit”, the superiority of constitutional law over European law to “restore the EU in its place”. It also intends to stop immigration, fight Islamism and raise purchasing power, with the aim of “giving back their money” and “their country” to the French.

The Macron – Le Pen confrontation was quite expected and has already been the subject of numerous polls before and after the first round. Each time, Emmanuel Macron has so far been given the winner of the election, but with a gap that varies according to the sequences and the institutes. Marine Le Pen is sometimes given only 1 to 2 points behind, which is very clearly within the margin of error of the pollsters. As a reminder, during the last presidential election, Marine Le Pen was largely beaten in the second round with 33.90% of the vote against 66.10% for Emmanuel Macron.
