Marin wants to test shorter working days

Leksand extended the winning streak beat AIK

At a meeting with the social democratic SDP’s party board, Marin said that there is reason to start experimenting with shorter working hours, reports EPN. She says that in the long term the party wants the growth to benefit workers to a greater extent.

The Prime Minister refers to the fact that many people suffer from exhaustion and that the number of sick leave is alarming.

— We want employees to have the right to genuine leisure time without the pressure of being available to their employer at any given moment.

Sanna Marin has previously said that it would be desirable to have shorter working weeks, but then in a less official way in a role as infrastructure minister.

SDP’s vice-chairman Matias Mäkynen suggests trying four-day weeks during the next term. The party, which leads a broad government, currently holds 40 of the 200 seats in the Finnish Riksdag.
