Marie Vialle and Sandrine Roche give free singing to the world

Marie Vialle and Sandrine Roche give free singing to the

Fourth program since the In and Off Festivals of Avignon which continues to explore all the diversity of art and theatre. Marie Vialle adapts the poetic language of the writer Pascal Quignard. “In this garden we loved” can be discovered at the Cloître des Célestins. Sandrine Roche and her band of actor-dancers are on stage at the Théâtre des Halles. They re-enchant the world in a joyful freedom with medieval and childish accents.

The two guests of this 4th VMDN program at the Festival d’Avignon are:

  • The director and actress Marie Vialle present ” In this garden that we loved » based on the work of Pascal Quignard to be seen in the magnificent setting of the Cloître des Célestins as part of the Festival In d’Avignon. An elaborate, beautiful and poetic language that makes us hear the subtlety of the world.
  • Sandrine Roche which stages the room ” Croizades (until the core) to be seen at the Théâtre des Halles as part of the Festival OFF d’Avignon. A piece that explores the springs of belief systems in the broad sense: in terms of religion but also politics, economics, values ​​that shape our relationship to others and to ourselves.

Reportage : Fanny Bleichner met the company Libre Esprit which plays three shows in the Off festival at the Chapelle des Italiens “Until death separates us” and “Débrayage” two pieces by Rémi De Vos.
