Marie-Ange Casta reveals her simple slimming secret, and he comes down to a sentence

Marie Ange Casta reveals her simple slimming secret and he comes

Marie-Ange Casta has no need for a miracle diet or excessive sport to keep her pretty silhouette. Discover your advice super easy to follow to keep a slender and toned body, without feeling guilty!

Currently playing the play We should have gone to GreeceMarie-Ange Casta displays its solar beauty and its amazing silhouette on the boards. She also revealed her slimming tips.

Before becoming an actress, Marie-Ange Casta began her career as a model, like her older sister Laetitia Casta. Since then, she has kept her beautiful silhouette, even after two pregnancies. For this, the wife of humorist Marc-Antoine Le Bret follows a very simple precept. “”I never take my meals at a fixed time but when I feel a feeling of hunger “she said in an interview for SHE. When she feels the desire to make a complete detoxthe 34 -year -old star has an effective technique. “Hot water with the juice of half a lemon. A classic that I drank in the morning for years. Now I take it in the evening. According to my reflexologist, it is better to clean your liver in the evening “, she said. And it is well because lemon is known to eliminate toxins, thus making it possible to purify the whole body.

To support this food routine, Marie-Ange Casta also practices regular physical activity. His tip to move without thinking about it: “I often move by bike or on foot “, she said in Gala. “I also make pilates and the bar on the ground because I find that they are Sports that do good to body and mind“, Added the one who also likes to practice swimming to refine her silhouette. The main thing for the French is to listen to ourselves, without worrying about the diktats of thinness. “”I have trouble with people who give everyone advice. Everyone does what they want from their body! “she launched without complex.
