Marianne Basler and Jean-Louis Benoît, Sartre hell and against all

Marianne Basler and Jean Louis Benoit Sartre hell and against all

On the stage of the Théâtre de l’Atelier in Paris, Jean-Louis Benoît offers his vision of the play “Huis Clos” by Jean-Paul Sartre. Accompanied by a beautiful trio of actors, it allows you to rediscover an unknown work by the philosopher of “Existentialism is a humanism”.

” Hell is other people “. This simple sentence – which has however often been misunderstood – sums up by itself “Huis Clos”, the play by Jean-Paul Sartre currently being performed on the stage of the workshop theater in Paris.

A play that can be scary, both the text and its author are often considered arid and austere, in other words not very cheerful. However, it is a colorful version, full of life and even humor that is currently being revealed in Montmartre.

“Huis Clos” by Jean-Paul Sartre, in a staging by Jean-Louis Benoît, with Marianne Basler Maxime d’Aboville and Mathilde Charbonneaux is to be applauded in Paris, from Tuesday to Saturday at 7 p.m.

Reporting : In Dubai, the economic capital of the United Arab Emirates, stand-up is a popular entertainment. Comedian Imah Dumagay could well change the game. This Filipino national from the Emirates is a pioneer of the local comedy scene. Our correspondent, Nicolas Keraudren went to meet him.
