Maria Malmer Stenergard bought shares when defense business was negotiated

According to Radio’s review, Maria Malmer bought Stenergard, who was then Minister of Migration, shares for almost SEK 10,000 in the Swedish company Mildef last summer.

Mildef manufactures equipment included in the order of combat vehicles 90 worth 25 billion presented by Sweden and Denmark in 2024.

It was known that an order for the combat vehicles was underway before the minister’s purchase of the shares. The company’s share rose after the government told us about the order.

Stenergard: Followed the regulations

Maria Malmer Stenergard believes that she has followed all regulations.

– For me, it is important to follow the regulations that exist and which means that the holding is registered, but also that I follow the conflicting rules that exist, she says and continues:

– I have not had access to any information other than the one that has been open to everyone.
