Maria Georgieva on friend Evan Gershkovich’s release

The massive prisoner exchange involving a total of 26 prisoners – ten Russian citizens, two of whom are minors, and 16 prisoners from several Western countries – was completed on Thursday afternoon.

The freelance journalist, Maria Georgieva is a friend of the American journalist Evan Gershkovich, who was among those released. In the past year, she has had sparing contact with him through an exchange of letters.

– This is fantastic news. It is not even possible to describe in words how relieved I am and how happy I am for his family above all who have been sitting on pins and needles during this time while Evan has been imprisoned, says Maria Georgieva to TV4 Nyheterna.

Maria says that Gershkovich tried to keep in touch with family and friends during his time in prison.

– He has been able to write about the food he eats, and that it is reminiscent of his mother’s disgusting porridge that he ate as a child, she says

– He has tried to say that he exercises, eats well, is strong, has tried to reassure his parents and his friends with the letters he has written.

“Gets loyal citizens home”

According to the White House, it is also about German citizens and Russian political prisoners who have been released. Russia, in turn, gets back, among other things, prisoners who are connected to Russian intelligence.

– From the Russian side, there are reasons to bring home citizens who are perceived to have been loyal, done services for the country abroad, but got into trouble and those people get a certain amount of help for glory when they come home, says Russia expert Malcolm Dixelius.

– At the same time, you get rid of people who have been negative for the Russian regime, because they are critics who have dared to stay at home, he continues.


Only late on Thursday afternoon could the news of the prisoner exchange be communicated, due to security arrangements and secrecy.

Gershkovich, who works for The Wall Street Journal, was arrested in connection with a reporting trip in Yekaterinburg in the spring of 2023.

Russian authorities alleged without evidence that Gershkovich was collecting classified information on behalf of the United States, and he was recently sentenced to 16 years in prison.
