Mari Eder continues her career on a new basis – owning a company has brought pressure, but also gives freedom

Mari Eder did not apply for a grant but has

During the summer, Mari Eder thought about the continuation of her career and decided to continue. At the same time, she has started a business with her husband.

The number one name for Finnish biathlon women Mari Eder had not yet made a final decision about continuing his career in the summer. Today Ilta-Sanomat reports (you switch to another service), that the career continues. Eder told Urheilu about the considerations behind the decision.

Eder, who lives in Austria, has become an entrepreneur and founded a sports equipment store with her husband, which is focused on “excellence in cross-country skiing”. In addition to sports equipment, ski sharpening is available, which Benjamin Eder has done years in the World Cup in the Austrian team. The new territorial conquest caused reflection on the continuation of elite sports.

– It seemed like a prospect that I wanted to spend time and energy on. At first I didn’t know if it was possible to combine it with professional sports, Eder said.

Since then, it has become clear that merging is possible. Eder already said in the summer that he did not apply for an athlete grant from the Ministry of Education and Culture, and he no longer has any partners either.

– Business operations were started in the summer. It’s been a lot of work. That is the reason why I have financially detached myself from the normal support system of elite sports.

Financial separation also brings a new kind of freedom.

– I have been able to use the time I used to work with partners to develop my own company. And if, even in the winter, you get the feeling that your career is here, you are free to leave.

And there was still motivation to continue my career.

– We are one month away from the opening of the World Cup, we have had time to process the matter in peace. Age is 34 years. Not all goals have been met. Whether it is a Plus or a minus in terms of continuing, everyone can interpret it in their own way.

Eder already said in June that he has continued training, although he was not yet sure about the continuation of his career. Now he assures that the training has been full-on.

– This sport is such that you can’t do it with half lights. It’s one hundred percent or nothing.

In the spring of 2017, Eder won two World Cup races at Holmenkollen. Kaisa Mäkäräinen after finishing, he was number one in Finland. Last season he was in the top ten three times.

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