Margaux Dietz’s harsh words about famous male profiles: “Would shut up”

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It’s certainly been a whirlwind few months for the influencer and entrepreneur Margaux Dietz32.

It was at the end of last year that there was an outcry after Margaux filmed an exposed man outside her door. A number of different companies ended their collaborations with Dietz and on social media it was a drive that made Margaux finally take a break from her social media.

A few months later, the SVT documentary was released “Can we forgive Margaux? which was received with mixed reactions. Not long after, Nyheter24 also revealed that Margaux partied in blackface.

The pictures of Margaux partying in blackface spread like wildfire, and shortly after Nyheter24’s disclosure, published The Express a comment that Margaux Dietz had written in the same vein that she was partying with blackface. You can read more about it here.

Margaux Dietz. Image source: Malin Hoelstad/SvD/TT

In an interview with News24 says Margaux now that the winds have started to turn.

– The sponsors started coming back already in January and I feel a clarity in what I want to do going forward, she said.

– I’m glad that I’m mentally strong because being in the middle of a drive is not something I wish on my worst enemy. It can go so far that people feel they don’t want to live anymore, she continued.

Margaux Dietz on Calle Schulman: “I had…”

Further in the interview, Margaux is asked about the memes and sketches that were made in connection with the scandal. Among other things, it did Calle Schulman a sketch that quickly spread on social media.

In his video, Calle tells his son that there is something outside the door, and instead of a beaten man, it is boxes of food. The son can then go out and poke the bags and the same sound as in Margaux’s video is applied.

Calle and the son look at the bags. Image source: calleschulman/Instagram

Calle is already making a call to “Boris” (although in this case it’s a picture of Boris Johnson and not Dietz’s personal trainer) and asks if the beets should look like they do in the box.

But later it would turn out that Calle was one of those who defended Margaux in the comment fields on Instagram.

If you run into Calle på Riche in Stockholm, do you go for the hug or what does it look like there now?

– I would slap him in the face. Hahaha, no, just kidding, I was going to say hello and talk, replied Margaux.
