March in support of President Arce after attempted coup

March in support of President Arce after attempted coup

In Bolivia, a large march in defense of democracy took place on Friday, July 12 in La Paz. Trade unions, peasant and indigenous organizations, and ordinary citizens were numerous in attendance, 16 days after the attempted coup that shook the country.

2 min

With our correspondent in La Paz, Nils Sabin

The demonstrators of the march for democracy met in the middle of the morning in El Alto, the city overlooking La Paz. After several hours of walking, they took over Murillo Square, the same one that had been occupied 16 days earlier by armored vehicles and armed soldiers.

For Paola, coming to demonstrate for democracy was obvious. It is important to remind the population that we live in a state of law and in a true democracy. We must defend it and in no case support a coup d’état. ” she testifies.

Defend democracy

While there were many ordinary citizens, several social organizations also responded.

This is the case of the organization of peasant and indigenous women Bartolina Sisa, of which Trijidia is a member. We come from the province of Gualberto Villarroel near La Paz to defend our democracy, she explains. It is our right to defend our homeland, our Plurinational State of Bolivia. »

Since the attempted coup, accusations of a fake coup orchestrated by the president Luis Arce are numerous. They are notably relayed by ex-president Evo Morales. A theory that Carlos rejects. The number of people who came to demonstrate is proof that many reject these claims of a supposed self-coup. “, Carlos emphasizes.

Read alsoBolivia: “There is real dissatisfaction within society,” says political scientist Gaspard Estrada
