march in Dakar against violence against women and children

march in Dakar against violence against women and children

The Senegalese capital hosted this Sunday, December 19 a peaceful march at the initiative of the White March of Women movement. This growing movement is mobilizing against violence against women and children.

Domestic violence, domestic violence, harassment and sexual assault, feminicides, infanticides or even genital mutilation. This Sunday’s rally comes following a tragic family incident with the death of a young child which moved all of Senegal, as well as the context of media comments trivializing sexual violence.


Ndeye Fatou Ndiaye is a pediatrician and co-leader of the White March of Women movement. ” There was a particularly violent event that brought us together in a rush of heart. It is a father who committed suicide and who also murdered his children. Us, it moved us so much because we saw in fact that it was quite simply a long road of marital violence and incomprehension which led to this irreversible act, this paroxysm of violence.

Stop being afraid

We said to each other, says Ndeye Fatou Ndiaye, that we really have to do something and that we stop being afraid to speak when things are not going well, that we stop being afraid of speaking when we are afraid of being reached. And that’s how we stood up with one head. It started with ten women, and today we are more than 700 people, men, women, young people, organizations. It’s incredible. We realized that what we felt as an individual was something that was felt by hundreds and thousands of people. “.

Also to listen: Senegal: culture of silence around harassment

