MAPS Presidential results: election scores by city and department

MAPS Presidential results election scores by city and department

Winner of the 2022 presidential election, Emmanuel Macron did not come out on top in more than half of the cities of France, doubled by Marine Le Pen in the small towns. Detailed results with our maps.

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[Mis à jour le 26 avril 2022 à 14h58] The poster was the same, the result was similar, and yet many things have changed. If Emmanuel Macron was re-elected President of the Republic (58.54%) against Marine Le Pen (41.46%), the outgoing president won in 2022 with much less of a lead than in 2017 and was crowned at the end of a presidential election marked by deep differences among the French electorate, as evidenced by the various cards (read below). With a striking fact: Marine Le Pen was placed in the lead in more than half of the municipalities in France (18,100 out of 35,000). However, she was well and truly beaten. Two major preliminary lessons, before going through the electoral geography:

  • A point on the structuring of the votes: Emmanuel Macron collected nearly 18.8 million of the votes cast and the votes of 38.5% of those registered; Marine Le Pen nearly 13.3 million votes and the votes of 27.28% of registered voters. The other registrants voted blank, void or abstained: they represent 34.2% of registrants.
  • A point on the vote by category of agglomeration: according to data from the Elabe survey for L’Express on the subject, published on April 25, on the votes cast, Emmanuel Macron collected 70% of the votes in the Paris metropolitan area, 63% in cities with more than 100,000 inhabitants, 52% in cities with 20,000 to 100 000 inhabitants, 51% in cities with 2,000 to 20,000 inhabitants and 50% in “rural” municipalities. But Marine Le Pen is essential in small towns, she is in the lead in 18,100 municipalities in France (out of 35,000) mainly in municipalities with less than 1,000 inhabitants.

The results of the presidential election by department

The results of the presidential election are available by department, by hovering over our maps of France of the Macron vote and the Le Pen vote or by clicking on the third map below to have access to the different geographical levels. These maps highlight a stronger Macron vote in western France and in the most urbanized departments. Marine Le Pen seduced for her part in her strongholds in the north-east and south of the country.

The Macron vote card

The final results of the 2022 presidential election confirm a very clear territorial distribution of votes. Emmanuel Macron was able to rely on the regions that had elected him in 2017: the West, the Massif Central, the South-West and especially a large part of the medium-sized towns and metropolises across the territory. The outgoing president has strengthened his presence in the municipalities of Loire-Atlantique, the Alps and the Rhône, former strongholds of the Republicans.

The map of the Le Pen vote

For her part, Marine Le Pen is strengthening in the center of France and remains very strong in the north-east of the country. It had come in first position in more than 20,000 municipalities in the first round, against less than 19,000, 5 years ago. In contrast to Emmanuel Macron, the candidate of the National Rally is essential in small towns far from large urban centers.

Presidential results by city

As in every election for years now, invites you to discover the scores of each candidate in all the municipalities of France. Click on your department to discover the results of the presidential election in your city.

For whom did the voters of the capital vote? In Paris, where Anne Hidalgo collapsed barely two years after her re-election in the municipal elections, with barely more than 2% of the votes in the first round, Emmanuel Macron left with a serious advantage of 35.33% of the votes. He confirmed this broad support (or in any case preference) among Parisians who voted for him by more than 85% during the second round on April 24, i.e. nearly 809,000 votes, when Marine Le Pen did not collect any. than 141,000.

In Marseille, the result of the first round of the presidential election placed Jean-Luc Mélenchon, elected deputy in the city 5 years ago, at the top of the ballot with 31.12% of the votes cast (108,423 votes). Emmanuel Macron (22.62%) and Marine Le Pen (20.89%) finishing second and third. The outgoing head of state finally won in the second round with 59.84% of the vote against 40.16% for the RN candidate. With 187,000 votes in the second round, Emmanuel Macron sees his electorate melt by more than 15,000 voters in his city of heart compared to the second round of the previous election, where he had reached more than 64%.

On the Lyon side, Emmanuel Macron and Jean-Luc Mélenchon monopolized the majority of voters’ votes in the first round. In a city long managed by Gérard Collomb, former Minister of the Interior of Emmanuel Macron, and passed, like the metropolis, into the hands of environmentalists, it was ultimately the outgoing president who pranced in the lead in the second round. on April 24, with 79.80% of the vote against 20.20% for Marine Le Pen. But in the capital of Gaul again, the head of state is down significantly: in 2017, Emmanuel Macron had obtained a score of 84.11% of the votes in the second round.

Remember that this 2022 presidential election will be followed by other elections, organized on June 12 and 19: the legislative elections, which allow the election of the 577 deputies who sit in the National Assembly. These elections are often considered a “third round”, since they determine whether the elected president has an absolute or relative majority to implement his political program.

Same duel, same result, but not the same numbers. Between Emmanuel Macron and Marine Le Pen, the match in the second round of the 2022 presidential election was not quite the same as in 2017. In five years, the candidate of the National Rally has experienced a notorious breakthrough in the polls, when his rival received far fewer votes than during his first attempt to gain access to the Elysée. The Head of State has indeed lost just under two million votes between the two elections, while Marine Le Pen has gleaned more than 2.6 million. What bring it to the top in more than 18,000 municipalities throughout France against around 15,000 for the final winner. On the other hand, Emmanuel Macron still monopolizes the first place of cities with more than 100,000 inhabitants, only two having been gleaned by “MLP” in 2022 (0 in 2017). If in 2017, she only came first in two departments on the evening of the second round (and in no region), the deputy of Pas-de-Calais was placed in the lead in 2022 in 30 departments of mainland France and Overseas, also leading in three regions (0 in 2017).
