Maps completes 70% purchase of IT and Telecommunications

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(Finance) – Mapsfollowing the occurrence of the contractual conditions precedent, it completed the acquisition of 70% of the share capital of Informatica e Telecomunicazioni.

The operation – reads a note – allows MAPS to consolidate its positioning, allowing it to provide an increasingly complete range of solutions, especially in the healthcare sector. With this operation, the Group continues to develop the concept of modern healthcare, through digital solutions that allow healthcare managers and managers to automate the various aspects of the patient journey, offering new opportunities and increasingly innovative operating methods. In fact, I-Tel offers synergistic services to those of MAPSproposing a suite of products aimed at simplifying and optimizing the interaction between people and structures, making multichannel the central and distinctive element.

In detail, it was acquired by Maps a shareholding equal to 49.90% compared to 2.9 million euro e conferred by MMW a stake of 20.10% through the subscription of no. 231,604 newly issued Maps shares at the price of Euro 5.05 per share, for a total of Euro 1,169,600.

For the legal aspects of the operation, Maps was assisted by STARCLEX – Studio Legale Associato, with a team coordinated by managing partner Carlo Rigant
