Mapei on “So much better”: A little scared

During ten intense days in June, twelve artists checked into the guesthouse Grå Gåsen on Gotland. It was time for the recordings of this year’s “So much better”.

Mapei, whose real name is Jacqueline Mapei Cummings, calls it “the weirdest thing I’ve ever done.”

— It was very revealing. I don’t usually talk too much about personal stuff, but sitting there was like hanging out with friends. There will be a lot of charisma at the same time with twelve artists and then you have to tell your whole life story, she says.

Changed language

Mapei was born in the USA and moved to Sweden as a child. She has had a varied career and tried several different genres – but always sang in English. During “So much better”, she decided to suddenly change the language to Swedish.

— It became more personal and was a challenge for me. I like challenges and changing direction a little here and there. I started rapping, then singing, then doing a monologue at the Stadsteatern.

TT: Do you want to write more in Swedish in the future?

— Absolutely. I want to explore worlds and things that have not been done in Swedish music. It becomes more fragile when I use my everyday language. After all, I have lived in Sweden for 30 years and speak Swedish every day. English almost became a character in the end.

“A little afraid of it”

With “So much better”, previously unknown artists often get a shot into the limelight by being exposed to an audience of millions on TV4. Mapei has a divided approach to what lies ahead.

— I take the opportunity to wear soft clothes and ride the subway now, because then you might be recognized and I’m a little afraid of that. I’ve been a bit of a mystery before and have had some songs that have been big, but not many people have known what I look like. But if you get into the game, you will have to endure the game, I was about to say.

TT: What was it like to see other people interpret your songs?

– I liked it. Imagine yourself sitting there and hearing others praise you and your music, it’s a bit like getting your own surprise party.
