Many people do this by bike – yet they risk a fine of 135 euros

Many people do this by bike – yet they risk

Most cyclists don’t know it, but this simple gesture can cost 135 euros.

We promise, we’re not going to tell you about colorblind cyclists who “confuse” red and green at traffic lights or those who tap on their Smartphone while pedaling. However, there are many who do it, like many motorists every day. But there is also a fairly significant number of bicycle users who break the rules of the Highway Code without knowing it. Which sometimes gives rise to quite funny scenes where cyclists try to prove their good faith in the face of law enforcement officers who are not always very receptive.

If you take the time to observe bicycles, you have undoubtedly already seen this phenomenon. To make their journeys more pleasant – the number of workers using bicycles as a means of transport has exploded over the last ten years in France – a large number of cyclists choose to do so with music. But in the absence of speakers integrated into their frames, as is the case in cars, they are forced to put headphones or earphones on their ears.


In addition to the satisfaction of being able to listen to your current playlist on your way to and from work, this offers the advantage of hearing less (or no more) noise pollution from traffic. Problem, since 1er July 2015, a law prohibits drivers from wearing headphones or earphones precisely so as not to be cut off from their environment. This offense concerns motorists but also cyclists.

Due to the danger that this can represent, especially when we know the vulnerability of a person on a bicycle in the event of collision with a motorized vehicle, the sanction is likely to deter music lovers: a person caught riding a bicycle with headphones on your ears is in fact exposed to a fine of 135 euros. You still need to know.
