A new survey now shows that parents are willing to stretch the truth to be able to take the children on vacation outside the school holidays – and escape the high season.
– You notice that there are a lot of parents who submit a sick report while the family is really away, says a toddler parent.
In connection with the school holidays, many families want to take care and go on a holiday and the high demand leads to increased ticket prices. To avoid this, several parents want to travel the days before and after the school holidays, but it has proven to be increasingly difficult. Several schools have tightened their policy for leave applications and one of them is the Boberg School in Stockholm.
– If you compare ten years ago, you probably see a big difference. I, as principal, have noticed that there has been a sharpening, says Nina Jonsson Rector at Bobergsskolan.
“You should go on the law”
– But you should go on the law simply. The students have 17 weeks off per year and this is where you can place their holiday trips, says Nina Jonsson.
One conceivable counter -reaction to this is that parents to a greater extent lie in connection with the applications of leave. A new survey from the travel agency Ticket shows that almost every third parent has or is willing to lie to the school in order to travel outside the school holidays.
Sickness registration to go on vacation
When TV4 talks to toddler parents, many people believe that parents are pushing the truth because the requirements for granted leave are tightened in schools. One of them is Marielle Widén, who tells that she herself did not travel with her family outside the school holidays but knows cases where children have been reported sick to be able to accompany the family holiday.
– I know it is difficult to get granted leave and my one son goes to a school where they have been clear that they do not approve leave applications. Then I know that students have been reported sick but in fact been abroad, she says.
Her friend Rebecca who also has children of school age fills in:
– It is noticed that there are a lot of parents who submit a sick report while the family is really away. It is very common, says toddler parent Rebecca.