Many parents make mistakes at Ica

Many parents make mistakes at Ica

Working in a grocery store like Ica often involves a number of different tasks. For some, the daily tasks are about keeping the fruit nice and fresh, for some working inside the chilly dairy and for others helping the customers in the department with which ham, cheese and sausage are suitable for the weekend charcuterie tray.

Many of us go grocery shopping every week. Image source: Geir Olsen/TT

News24 have been in contact with a store manager who told me that one of the best things about working in an Ica store is the customer contact and encountering different types of people on a daily basis.

But… of course there are also disadvantages. Among other things, when the store is about to close.

– For example, when customers roll in with a shopping cart three minutes before closing time. Sure to just grab a chip bag. But some people get to do wholesale shopping just before closing time, he says.

– Or they realize that they shouldn’t have that milk that they then put among the oranges, he adds.

You should think about that if you are going to pick up the pact at Ica

Something some forgetful customers can do is neglect to take a bag, pay, and then grab a bag on the fly.

But there is one more thing that the forgetful customers can do sometimes when it comes to mail handling in stores. And that’s when they have to pick up packages – for children.

At many ICA you can also pick up packages. Image source: Fredrik Sandberg /TT

– Some come and pick up packages that they ordered in their nickname. Which you don’t get then. There are many people we have in the store who get annoyed even though they are the ones who made a mistake.

The same thing also happens when relatives send packages to grandchildren who then do not have identification.

– We say that you sent a package to your grandchild, then you need the grandchild’s ID. This is because the recipient of the package must identify himself. If they say Anna-Lisa 3 years, they should be ID on Anna-Lisa 3 years, concludes the store manager.
