Amazon is currently releasing the series The Rings of Power via the streaming service Amazon Prime. Many fans of Tolkien’s Middle Earth universe are not convinced by this. One of the showrunners is also happy about this.
Warning, spoilers: The following news contains spoilers for The Rings of Power and the Simarillion.
How is the series received? The Rings of Power has an average rating of 70 on Metacritic based on 65 reviews. The user score, however, is only 2.9 out of a possible 10 points. On IMDb it is 6.9 out of a maximum of 10. The series has only received mixed reviews.
In their reviews, viewers criticize the fact that the series does not stick to the book, Tolkien’s Simarillion. On Reddit, users have compiled the differences. Here is just a selection:
Middle-earth fans are complaining about the many differences via social media and in detailed analysis videos on YouTube. One of the showrunners has now spoken out about it.
The Rings of Power Season 2 – SDCC trailer for the latest season of the Amazon series
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Negative feedback on YouTube? We’re glad we have you too.
What does the showrunner say about this? JD Payne, one of the two showrunners of The Rings of Power, reacted to this in an interview with colleagues from The Hollywood Reporter:
The companions had to rely on each other and those who supported them and remember what they were fighting for.
And when we see that millions of people [die Serie] and react so positively to it, then that is what we are fighting for. And those who watch every episode and [negativ] write about it on social media and make YouTube videos, we’re glad we have you too. It wouldn’t be a journey through Middle Earth without a few trolls along the way.
JD Payne in conversation with The Hollywood Reporter, 11.09.2024
What does this mean? Basically, this just means that the showrunner is happy about everyone who engages with his series. But Payne is talking specifically about those who watch every episode[…].
What he probably means is that in order to make the posts and videos, everyone with a negative opinion has seen his series on Amazon Prime. This in turn means more views, which in turn is positive for Payne: series with high viewership numbers are given preference by streaming services when it comes to distributing budget.
So for JD Payne, everyone who watches his series is a win.
In addition to The Rings of Power, there are currently several other projects in the works relating to Tolkien’s The Lord of the Rings. In addition to a new film adaptation, an anime movie is also in the works: One of the most promising projects in the universe of The Lord of the Rings is, of all things, an anime