Many customers sneer before the eyes of the ICA staff

Many customers sneer before the eyes of the ICA staff

ICA today has over 1,300 stores in Sweden with around 50,000 people working in offices or in one of ICA’s stores.

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Working in an Ica store basically means that you are exposed to customer contact from start to finish. Many customers may need help knowing where to find a particular item, while others may wonder which sausage is best for tonight’s barbecue.

Many ICA stores in Sweden have, outside of their tasks in the store, also become real bathers on social media and therefore acquired both TikTok and Instagram, where they, among other things, post funny clips or perhaps the week’s offers.

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It is in the Ica cash register that it happens. Image source: Claudio Bresciani / TT

Something that may be posted a little less of, however, are things customers do that are not so appreciated by the Ica staff. And you can say the least that there is a lot there.

When News24 comes into contact with a store manager at a popular Ica in Stockholm, he tells us that there are some less appreciated things that the staff have to deal with on a daily basis.

That’s what the shop staff joke about you doing inside Ica

– For example, when customers roll in with a shopping cart three minutes before closing time. Or they realize that they shouldn’t have that milk which they then put among the oranges, he says.

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Something that belongs to the norm, however, happens at the checkout.

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“Oops, I sure didn’t take a bag,” say many in the Ica cash register. Image source: Janerik Henriksson/TT

– We have customers who forget to take a bag and put it on the belt EVERY time they shop. Then they come on in time until they are paid and then only take one.

Since a plastic bag at the checkout at Ica today costs around seven kroner, in other words, it will be a few pennies per year.

The shop manager’s plea: Think about this when you buy milk at Ica
